
Annual Charity Walk

The route is from Hillbarn rotary club to Chanctonbury Ring via Cissbury Ring where students will walk along public footpaths and bridleways to complete this walk. Once students have reached Chanctonbury Ring they will have their lunch before returning back to Hillbarn rotary club via the same route. (Please note if students have lunch provided by the school they will be provided with a packed lunch.)

On the day of the walk, student’s will be asked to register with their tutor or an allocated member of staff at Hillbarn by the Pavilion for 9:00. Once students have been registered, they will begin their walk with their form group and tutor / allocated member of staff; their Head of Year will be following behind each year group. Once they have completed the walk, student’s will need to re-register with their form tutor / allocated member of staff before they can be dismissed at 15:00. If you are unable to get the child in your care to Hillbarn for 9:00, there will be a group of staff members walking from St Andrews to Hillbarn at 8:30. If you would like your child to walk with staff members they will need to meet in the interval at 8:30. Likewise after the walk the same staff will be walking back to school at 15:00 with an estimated return of 15:30. If you would like your child to be escorted with staff members to and from St Andrews please make their Head of Year aware by Monday 1st July.

We are aware a lot of our students come into school via scooter or bike, staff members will be supporting students on the walk and therefore will not be able to look after these items at Hillbarn. If students wish to bike/scooter in, they should come to school, lock it up and walk to Hillbarn with staff members at 8:30.