Taichung Municipal Chung Shan Junior High School is a public school that was established in 1948. The school is located in the center of Taichung city and we're proud of a modern campus and abundant learning resources. The main goal of our school is to provide high-quality education to students.

Chung Shan Junior High School emphasizes the all-round development of students. In addition to academic achievements, the school also excels in sports and the arts. The air gun shooting team of our school has achieved excellent results and has won numerous awards in national competitions. The baseball team is well-known for their outstanding performance, having won several championships in various competitions. The dance team has also participated in various competitions and has won many awards for the school.

Chung Shan Junior High School emphasizes on the morality and well-being of students. We offers a wide range of extracurricular activities and clubs, including music, art, calligraphy, basketball, volleyball, and football, providing students with various options for personal growth and development. Additionally, the school constantly strengthens the teacher training programs to improve the quality of education to improve the ability of students, ensuring they receive the best learning environment.

In summary, Chung Shan Junior High School is a high-quality public school that focuses on the all-round development. It excels not only academic, but also in sports and the arts, providing students with a top-notch education and learning environment.