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Here's a look at recent learning in Year Five. The children enjoyed a fantastic historial workshop on child criminals at the National Archives in Kew. Did you know that in Victorian times you could get four days hard labour for stealing a bag of sugar? That's what happened to poor Henry Munday in 1873. He also got a whipping. Our Year Five children were so interested (and pleased) to note how times have changed since then.  Also pictured below are some shots of the children having a debate about the magnificent Benin bronzes in the British Museum. They were considering if these should now be returned to Nigeria, formerly The Kingdom of Benin, which used to be part of the British Empire. 


As you know Moormead park community & sports pavilion has been derelict for 20 + years. 


Our children use this park for PE, games and running clubs, as do other schools in our local community. The whole community will benefit as the new community & sports pavilion will:


️ have toilets including disabled toilets 

️ have community space for hire & general use

️ have a cafe serving delicious food & drink 

️ have storage for sports equipment 

️ be environmental friendly & fit in with the look and feel of our beautiful park 


Please 🙏 can you complete the following link (will take approx 2 mins and will make huge difference!) : 




️If you have any community / events / corporate / trusts / statutory fundraising experience and / or

️contacts with local companies who might be able to support fundraising / sponsorship and / or 

️have any wealthy philanthropist friends 


and want to get involved to help, please do reach out to Hazel (year 5 mum) at


We are approaching grant funders having secured £150k from Richmond Council already. 


We have a fabulous fundraising team led by Vanessa James who is the CEO of ETNA centre. 


We have recently created a new powerful promotional video to demonstrate how much our local community is behind the demolition and rebuild of this pavilion. 


You will be part of building a lasting legacy for our local community and will be making a direct difference to the lives of existing and future generations using Moormead Park

Keeping children safe online

Book now

Peter Cowley, Achieving for Children’s Former Online Safety Adviser.


About this Event

Peter will be talking about online safety.  He will specifically address topics to help parents understand the current and emerging risks online and support their children through them.  

You may be aware that a recent report from the Children’s Commissioner found that by age 13, half of children have seen online pornography. Additionally, another national survey, The Pupil Safeguarding Review, found 58% of students had reported feeling unsafe online several times in the past six months; 19% of those students missed school because of feeling unsafe online. 

This is an essential talk for all parents. 

About the speaker

Peter Cowley, Achieving for Children’s Former Online Safety Adviser.

Online information

Registrants will be emailed the Zoom dial in details on the morning of the webinar.

Pricing & Assisted Places 

We charge a modest amount for our seminars in order to help us cover our costs, yet we also want them to be affordable to as many people as possible. We have a limited number of assisted places for those suffering financial hardship. To apply for an assisted place, please get in touch with us outlining your circumstances at

Please note the bookings for this event will close at midnight the night before. 


28th November, 2023 from  8:00 PM to  9:30 PM


United Kingdom



Event Fee

Attendee fee


Book now