Newsletter Fourteen
W/c 9th December 2024
For regular updates on all the exciting things we are getting up to in school, you'll need to follow us @StStephensCofE.
Don't miss out!
(Dates may be subject to change. For a full list of our yearly dates please check our 'Summary of Dates' page on our website)
Monday 16th December - FOSS Christmas Market
Tuesday 17th December - Year Two Christmas Performance - St Stephen's Church - 10am
Thursday 19th December - Christmas Lunch/class parties (children invited to wear Christmas jumper)
Friday 20th December - Term ends 2.15pm
Monday 6th January - Staff Inset Day
Tuesday 7th January - Children return to school
Wednesday 15th January - Coffee Morning for parents with the Mental Health Support Team - School Studio - 9am
Friday 17th January - Class assembly - Year Six - Kamkwamba (tbc)
Monday 20th January - Friday 24th January (AM) Year Six Kamkwamba class - Bikeability
Wednesday 22nd January - Reception Trip to The Brooklands Museum
Wednesday 22nd January - Class assembly - Year Two - Earhart (tbc)
Monday 27th January - Friday 31st January (AM) Year Six Obama class - Bikeability
Thursday 30th January - FOSS Silent Disco Reception
Friday 31st January - FOSS Silent Disco Year One to Six
Friday 31st January - Let's Talk About session - 9am studio
Monday 3rd February - FOSS - The Great St Stephen's Bake Off
Friday 7th February - Class assembly - Year Four - Rashford (tbc)
Saturday 8th February - FOSS rugby stall fundraiser
W/c Monday 10th February - Interfaith Week
Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day
Tuesday 11th February - Year Four PGL Residential Trip Parent Meeting
Wednesday 12th February - RE Day
Monday 17th - Friday 21st February - Half term holiday
Church service Tuesday 17th December - Classes who ordinarily have PE on a Tuesday morning should wear their full uniform to school instead of PE kit please. If your child has a morning sports club, they can remain in their PE kit.
Christmas lunch - Your child is invited to wear a Christmas jumper to school on Thursday 19th December if they would like to.
End of term - School closes at 2:15pm on Friday 20th December, there will be no after school club or Stars wraparound running after this time.
We are delighted to announce that last week our Deputy Head, Hannah Smart, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy - Otis. Mrs Smart is doing well and (as you can see from the picture) so is wonderful Otis. We are sending lots of love to Mrs Smart and her family at this special time.
Please note that Mrs Morrison and Mrs Cuddy Gibbs will be increasing their number of working days while Mrs Smart is on maternity leave.
'Tis the season of good cheer and there were glad tidings a plenty at this week's Reception Nativity performances. They donned traditional Nativity costume to enchant audiences with their interpretation of the Christmas story. A musical production, the young thespians were required to learn a total of seven songs, which were accompanied by some stellar acting, actions using makaton signs and a little festive dancing. They performed for their parents and carers and the rest of the school cohort in a series of show-stopping performances that all ended with thunderous applause. Thank you so much to our wonderful Reception staff - Mrs Dale, Miss Sichon, Mrs Austen, Miss Barros and Miss Gina for putting the young performers through their paces. Although the biggest plaudits must go to the star performers, who were fabulously festive in their first ever St Stephen's performance. More pictures on page four and, if you can wait, in next week's final issue of the term.
Please can we remind parents and carers that children need to stay at home for forty eight hours if they have had an episode of sickness. Even if a child appears to recover quickly afterwards, our policy is that they do not return to school for forty eight hours after they have been sick or had diarrhoea. If a child tells us they have been sick at home, we will always call home. There are lots of bugs going around at the moment, so we want to keep our children and staff as safe as possible from infection. Thank you so much for your co-operation.
French Club
St. Stephen’s French Clubs, (KS1 and KS2 respectively), are currently looking for new members. Please do encourage your child to come and join us. In a relaxed setting, through games and fun activities, we develop our vocabulary, comprehension, and speaking skills. Learning an additional language brings enrichment, a greater awareness of other cultures and customs and, often, a better understanding of the building blocks of English too. We hope to welcome your child to our clubs very soon and, in the meantime, ”Joyeux Noël à tous!”
KS1 French Club – Thursdays from 12.30 pm to 1.00 pm.
KS2 French Club – Thursdays from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm.
Do you have any unwanted adult sized t-shirts that our children can use as art overalls? If you do, please can you send them in with your children.
Mrs Cryan is bandaged and ready for anything
Our staff get regular training to ensure they are up to date with the latest first aid protocols. Here you see a few shots of this week's session, where Mrs Cryan and Mrs Hunt volunteered to be bandaged. We promise the injuries were just imaginery, but the bandaging was super neat.