Newsletter 18- Page Five


Read FOSS's latest report on upcoming activities - next up is the Great St Stephen's Bake Off and a sponsored bike ride to Amsterdam ...


The 2023 Amsterdam Bike Ride crew set off on their first training ride of the year, a 20-mile loop via Walton-on-Thames, beating sub-zero temperatures! It was exhilarating pushing through the frost, snow dripping from the trees. Lost all ability to feel sensation, brrrrrrrrrr. THANKFULLY it should be a lot warmer in June. Fancy joining in the fun? You are more than welcome! There are still spaces! Message Vicky Brown (07973 226 662) or Dave Williams (07812 446 541) to join to whatsapp group and stay in the loop!

DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR RIDE-RELATED SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY IN RETURN FOR SOME FANTASTIC ADVERTISING? Please see below for more details and contact Fay (07900 986 306) or Miranda (07939 858 939) to discuss further.

Lots of love, the FOSS Team xx