Weekly Newsletter Twenty Two -

w/c 8th March


Friday 19th March - Red Nose Mufti Day. Wear something red or dress as a rock star (or combine the two) and bring in a pound or donate online for Red Nose Day. Also, see Page Two for details of our fantastic Rock Down Relief and Share a Smile competitions. Prizes and glory can be yours in return for making us chuckle.

W/C 29th March - Parent/teacher consultations

Thursday 1st April - End of term. School closes 2.15pm


We are so delighted to have all our children back in school. It has been a long haul and they've done a fantastic job on our Google Classrooms. After so long learning at their kitchen tables, we are determined to get them back and comfortable with classroom learning as soon as possible. They have attacked their first week of learning in school with gusto and we are so very proud of them. Our PSHE lessons wove in opportunities for them to express anxieties and staff are fully briefed to cope with the return to school. Although they may be tired after their first week back, we can assure you they have done so well! It's great to have them all in school!

Mr Downes' morning HITT sessions are going down a storm and ensuring our children return to peak fitness, after so long at home. Who needs Joe Wicks, when you've got Mr D? Here are a few pictures of playground HITT session. They nailed it!


Check out these useful links from our SENCO, Naomi Mullholland. They provide sterling advice for helping children and parents cope during these testing times.

Video link: Lockdown Learning and Children’s Emotional Wellbeing: I can’t do it, I won’t do it, I don’t care.

Self-care Summer - Primary School.pdf
Questions for Lockdown Learning (002).pdf

Here's a link for information on a fantastic webinar on Managing Anger

‘Managing Anger’ is an Autism Seminar for families which provides information and advice to parents and carers of children and young people with autism.

Delivered free as a virtual webinar on Wednesday 24th March from 9.45 to 11.45am

The webinar will help families to:

  • discuss why children with autism often have challenges with distressed behaviour and anger

  • identify a low arousal approach for support through stressful situations

  • explore the cycle of anger and possible support strategies

  • examine strategies for managing feelings.

To book a place, please complete the registration form - click here! - or contact the webinar facilitator below for more information.

Name: Jane Pidduck

Email: jpiddu2@grandavenue.kingston.sch.uk

Telephone: 020 8399 5344