Newsletter 30

Page Four

Let’s turn the world green for good mental health!

Friday 17th May

St Stephen’s CofE Primary 

Alarmingly, 75% of children and young people who experience mental health problems aren’t getting the help they need.

Children’s emotional well-being is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health helps them develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.

Things that can help keep children and young people mentally well include:

Other factors are also important, including feeling loved, trusted, understood and safe. Children who are optimistic, and resilient, have some control over their lives and feel like they belong are more likely to have good mental well-being.

The green ribbon is the international symbol of mental health awareness.  So whether you go all out in head to toe green or show your solidarity with a green ribbon, green socks or a green hair, this is a great way to get involved and open up conversations about mental health.


Our Wellbeing Message from School Council

We are more than just a school, we are an entire community of people who all want to lift each other up inlove and learning!  We as a school council have compiled our favourite resources for students and their families to read and use at home and in their daily lives. We looked through these at a council meeting and picked out the very best for our community.

Visit our school website Health and Wellbeing section to see what our children have put together to help you and our children. 

Copy and paste the link for more useful information on keeping our children safe from National Safety Online.