Newsletter 25

Page Two

Time is of the essence



The theme for this year's British Science Week was Time. For the 30th anniversary of the event, pupils were encouraged to think about time since the week began, as well as looking to the future! Our children considered how things change over time, or how long/short time can be. 

We had visits from female scientists and architects from within our school community, who came to speak to the children and explain their roles within the STEM field. We had some great talks and workshops from our visitors and everyone took part in some inspiring scientific projects. 

Reception was visited by a biological scientist, while Year Two enjoyed a talk by  a pharmacologist. They also looked at how lifecycles change over time. In Year One we were lucky enough to have a talk by an architect and the children created their own pendulum. Our other year groups had sessions on time travelling and how mould grows over time.

Thank you so much to all our wonderful visitors for their interesting talks.