Newsletter 31 - Page Three


Friday 19th May - Crazy Hair Day

All children are welcome to spray it, curl it, mess it up or put things in it as it's Crazy Hair Day.

Donate £1 towards FOSS using the QR code on the poster or pop it in the bucket at the school gate!

Saturday 10th June - 5-a-side Football Tournament

Register your children (Year 2 - Year 6) for this tournament against Orleans Primary School, our inaugural football event is back!

Deadline for registrations is 3rd June at

Friday 16th June - Sunday 18th June - FOSS/SKYLARKS/ASHA Sponsored Bike Ride to Amsterdam

Only 6 weeks to go! Last chance to join us! Contact Vicky Brown 07973 226662 or Dave Williams 07812 446541

Saturday 8th July - St Margarets Fair

Help to raise money for the school and support our local community and charities. 

We require stewards on the day, please help out by signing up!