Newsletter 19

W/c 29th January





For regular updates on all the exciting things we are getting up to in school, you'll need to follow us @StStephensCofE. Don't miss out!



Friday 2nd February - FOSS Comedy Night

Monday 5th - Friday 9th February - Children’s Mental Health Week 

Monday 5th February - FOSS - The Great St Stephen's Bake Off

Tuesday 6th February - Safer Internet Day 

Thursday 8th February - Attenborough class assembly (this is a change of date)

Friday 9th February - Year 2 Scooter Training 

Monday 12th - Friday 16th February - Half term 

Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th February - Sports Club with Mr Cain - places still available!

Thursday 29th February/Friday 1st March - FOSS Silent Discos 

Wednesday 28th February – Year Two Great Fire of London workshop - (tbc)

Tuesday 5TH March – Year One Turner's House Takeover (further details to follow)

Wednesday 6th March - Reception trip to Polka Theatre to see ‘Tidy’ 1.15pm performance

Thursday 7th March - World Book Day Assembly

Thursday 7th March - Lau Class Assembly

Thursday 14th March - Mandela Class Assembly

Friday 15th March - Red Nose Day

Friday 15th March - FOSS Bounceathon

Monday 18th - Friday 22nd March - Neuro Diversity Week

Wednesday 20th March - Curie Class Assembly

Thursday 21st March - World Poetry Day 

Friday 22nd March – Year Five trip to The Science Museum

Wednesday 27th March - Easter Service St Stephen’s Church (tbc)

Thursday 28th March - End of term. School closes 2.15pm

Monday 15th April - INSET day 

Tuesday 16th April - Summer Term Starts - Children return to school

Little People Assembly

Last Friday, we were delighted to have Mia's parents with us for a dwarfism awareness assembly. Understanding and celebrating difference is one of the ways we build each other up in love and learning at St Stephen's. 

Everyone wore their own clothes to support the Little People UK charity. Thank you for your donations and support. We learned so much and would like to thank them for coming in to speak to us. Check out Mia's Mum's report below. 

Thank you Ana!

Last Friday the school hosted a special assembly for all classes, focusing on raising awareness about dwarfism. The event aimed to collect funds for the Little People UK organization, which works to support the dwarfism community. The initiative sought to sensitize students and promote an understanding of diversity.

The presentation began with the screening of an educational video about dwarfism, specifically tailored for a young audience. Following that, we answered the children's questions. I presented an activity using dolls that were different from one another, encouraging reflection on the beauty of diversity and the importance of accepting differences. Mia and Solomon helped in the activity.

Throughout the presentation, I shared seven playful facts about dwarfism, enriching the children's knowledge in a lighthearted and informative manner. The initiative was a unique opportunity to promote awareness, empathy, and solidarity, while also contributing to fundraising for such a noble cause.

Here are the thoughts about being small that we shared in the assembly:

1. **Unique Sizes:** Just like animals and plants, people come in different sizes. Some people are taller, and some are shorter, and that's what makes the world interesting!

 2. **Different Causes:** Some people are short because of their genes, while others might be short because of special reasons like magical potions or fairytale twists. 

 3. **Superheroes and Princesses:** Did you know that some of the coolest superheroes and princesses in stories are not very tall? Being small doesn't stop them from doing big and amazing things! 

 4. **Big Hearts and Smart Minds:** People with dwarfism have hearts and minds just as big and smart as everyone else. They can be great friends, awesome storytellers, sports people, scientists or even fantastic artists. 

 5. **Little Everyday Heroes:** In our everyday lives, there are heroes who might be a bit shorter but have the power to make us smile, like the funny friend or the caring teacher. 

 6. **Fun Adventures:** Some people with dwarfism might need special tools or gadgets, like custom-made shoes or step stools, to reach high places. These tools make for exciting and creative adventures! 

 7. **Respecting Differences:** It's important to respect and appreciate everyone, no matter their size. We're all part of the big, diverse family of humans! Remember, celebrating differences and being kind to everyone is what makes the world a wonderful place! 

Report by Ana Hemesath

Baby Talk in Year Two

Mrs Chahil sent us these lovely pictures of Kai's Mum and his new baby brother Yves. She told us: "Thank you to Kai's Mum for bringing in baby Yves for us to see. We are studying different life cycles in science and the children had lots of questions about the baby stage in the human life cycle. We hope Yves will come back in the summer term so we can see how he has grown!"


It was all aboard the coach for a trip to the Brooklands Museum, home to vintage and modern vehicles, covering many modes of transport. Brooklands, the birthplace of British motor racing is also where Concorde and  many other famous vehicles are kept. The children even got to take a seat in some of the vehicles and climb aboard others for a tour. For more pictures, turn to our Reception Round up on page four ...

Many thanks to FOSS for all our new equipment. Rashford and Mr Cain love the new PE purchases. See page three for more details ...