How to Receive Communion

Practice how to receive communion

Your First Communion Day is a very special day and one that many people are looking forward to celebrating with you! It's important that before your First Communion Day, you practice how you will receive Holy Communion. With your parents help deciding, you may receive the consecrated bread alone or you may receive both the consecrated bread and wine.

Review and practice together the steps for receiving communion. You may watch the video below for some help too! Or have your parents reach out to Kate: with any questions!

Step 1: When it comes time for you to receive communion, you will at first be seated with your family. Each family will have one reserved pew.

Step 2: When it is your turn to receive communion, remember that as you are walking up to the Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister, to have your hands held in prayer. We are going up to receive something really special, so it's important that the way we hold our bodies shows respect for what we will receive.

Step 3: When you get to the Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister, they will be holding what is called a ciborium, which is a plate or vessel used to hold the consecrated bread (the bread that has been blessed by the priest). We believe that Jesus is truly present in the consecrated bread. When you get to the Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister, take the hand that you write with (your dominant hand) and place it under your other hand - forming a cradle. Hold your hands up in that position so that the Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister can easily reach your hands.

Step 4: The Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister will hold up one of the consecrated hosts and will say to you, "The Body of Christ."No matter how big or how small the host is, it is still communion. Even if you receive a tiny sliver of the host, it is still Jesus. As soon as you hear the Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister say, "The Body of Christ," you then say, "AMEN!" Which means, "YES, I BELIEVE!"

Step 5: Talk with your parents about receiving the precious blood - the consecrated wine. If you will be receiving the precious blood, the following steps are ones that you would follow; however, if you and your parents choose not to receive the precious blood, you will return to your pew. After receiving holy communion, return to your pew and kneel. Stay kneeling until you see the Priest, Deacon or Minister close the Tabernacle (the place where consecrated hosts are kept). You may then be seated. While you are kneeling though, remember that that is a time for prayer. Practice the following prayers before you go to bed and when you wake up each day: Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be.

Steps for Receiving the Precious Blood:

Step 6: If you will be receiving the precious blood, either a Deacon or Eucharistic Minister will be standing at the corner sides of the church, closest to the sanctuary space. As soon as you receive the consecrated bread, you will then go to receive the consecrated wine.

Step 7: Approach the Deacon or Eucharistic Minister that is holding the Chalice, which is the vessel used to hold the consecrated wine, with the same respect as you did when going to receive the consecrated bread.

Step 8: The Deacon or Eucharistic Minister will say to you, "The blood of Christ." You then respond, "Amen!"

Step 9: The Deacon or Eucharistic Minister will then give you the chalice. Be really careful holding the chalice - using both hands, one hand holding the side and one hand supporting the chalice by it's base.

Step 10: Take a very tiny sip of the precious blood - just enough to wet your lips. The wine that is used has a strong taste, so be prepared that it will taste different - even bitter. But remember, you just received something really special, so making a funny face after receiving the precious blood would not be appropriate.

Step 11: After receiving the precious blood, return to your pew and kneel. Stay kneeling until you see the Priest, Deacon or Minister close the Tabernacle (the place where consecrated hosts are kept). You may then be seated. While you are kneeling though, remember that that is a time for prayer. Practice the following prayers before you go to bed and when you wake up each day: Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be.

Remember: If you or your parents have any questions about this, have your mom or dad e-mail Kate:! I am happy to talk or answer any questions! Below though is a short video that gives us a visual for receiving the Eucharist!

Parent reading:

CLICK HERE for an article about preparing for your child's First Communion Day!