Making and baking bread

Making and Baking Unleavened Bread:

  1. Read the article and watch the video below about the Cloistered Nuns who bake bread: CLICK HERE for the article.

  2. Make and Bake some unleavened bread as a family: CLICK HERE for the recipe!

  3. Parent Reading: CLICK HERE for an article about Jesus, the Bread of Life!

Some things you will see ...


Altar: Jesus, wants us to share in His meal of the Eucharist. We celebrate this meal around a table - which we call an altar.

Flowers: The meal Jesus shares with His friends is a special meal of love and thanksgiving. We therefore, decorate the altar with flowers.

Candles: We also use candles on our altar to show that we are celebrating a special meal.

Bread and Wine: For our meal, we need the food and drink that Jesus used at the Last Supper – bread and wine. Bread gives us the strength to live and wine helps us rejoice.

Chalice: In Jesus’ time, all the people at a meal drank from one large cup to show their union with one another. This large cup is called a chalice.