Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers education helps young people to develop the knowledge, confidence and skills they need to make well-informed choices and plans for their future.

The Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at St Chad's will enable pupils to:

  • understand the skills and qualifications that they need to pursue their ambitions

  • be able to investigate employment opportunities based on local Labour Market Information (LMI)

  • make challenging but realistic plans for their future learning and employment

  • understand the full range of learning opportunities including local colleges, apprenticeships and training providers.

CEIAG at St Chad's is coordinated by Mr Luke Rayson. You can contact him on 01928 564106 or email

St Chad’s is working very closely with Career Connect. This partnership aims to strengthen links further with local industry, developing a better understanding of the local opportunities. Together we are committed to working towards achieving the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of good career guidance and vital, impartial CEIAG delivered by our Career Connect Adviser, Leona Lewis, who can be contacted by email at

Careers education is delivered through dedicated PSHE sessions and all subject staff are committed to raising awareness of careers in their own curriculum area. These careers conversations begin as soon as lessons start in September when career opportunities discussed as part of the first lesson and pupils complete a My Career Journey sheet to outline their aspirations relating to that particular subject. This is reinforced with subject career displays and success stories from former St Chad's pupils, many of which can be found in the Alumni Gallery above. Subject staff incorporate video case studies of real people in the world of work actually using that subject in their job raising awareness of the opportunities available and highlighting their educational routes on their own career journey. Throughout the year subject staff incorporate CLiC Sessions at the start of each half term and continue these career conversations in lessons where most appropriate. This may include raising awareness about local companies, possibly using real job advertisements to stimulate discussion about employment in the local area or provide opportunities to discuss other issues such as salaries, gender stereotyping and jobs of the future.

In addition to the CEIAG delivered in PSHE and in subject lessons, pupils benefit from a wide range of excellent inspirational enrichment and activities across all year groups. These include careers events both in school and visits to a range of colleges and local companies.

PSHE careers provision is reviewed annually and developments implemented before the start of each new academic year. Termly review meetings also take place with the Careers Lead, Careers Coordinator, PSHE Coordinator, and Career Connect Adviser to ensure that pupil voice surveys, parent survey feedback and school council feedback are taken into account. The next review date for scheduled for 4th July 2022.

Pupils have access to the newly launched Get Connected Portal where they can keep a record of their skills, careers experiences and careers research. This enables them to research and reflect upon their experiences and compile a printable record that they can take with them as they further their careers journey armed with accurate, up to date information. Parents, teachers and governors all have access to information listed on the school calendar and this careers page to enable them to support pupils on their career journey. Parents are also informed about up and coming events via the Parental Bulletin. All staff have had training on the Get Connected Portal including the Teacher Portal where there is a wealth of careers information, activities and resources.

Please follow the links below for more information about the Careers Programme for each year group:

The Careers Programme at St Chad's

Year 7

At the beginning of year 7 all pupils are introduced to the online careers information in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) during Tutor time. Here they are introduced to the GetConnectedPortal where they can evaluate their personal qualities and skills. Pupils are encouraged to develop an understanding of the wide range of careers that exist. Weekly Tutor Time Activities incorporate a 'Job of the Week' to stimulate discussions in the pastoral setting while at the start of each half term Curriculum Lessons involving Careers (CLiC) Sessions bring the world of work into every lesson. This gives pupils the opportunity to explore careers and see how different subjects compliment each other and highlights employability and transferable skills.

Year 8

In PSHE lessons and in Tutor time pupils continue to develop their awareness of the local employment opportunities. Pupils continue to log their Career enrichment opportunities on the Get Connected Portal and build up a printable portfolio of their Careers research. Weekly Tutor Time Activities incorporate a 'Job of the Week' to stimulate discussions in the pastoral setting while at the start of each half term Curriculum Lessons involving Careers (CLiC) Sessions bring the world of work into every lesson. This gives pupils the opportunity to explore careers and see how different subjects compliment each other and highlights employability and transferable skills.

Year 9

Weekly Tutor Time Activities incorporate a 'Job of the Week' to stimulate discussions in the pastoral setting while at the start of each half term Curriculum Lessons involving Careers (CLiC) Sessions bring the world of work into every lesson. This gives pupils the opportunity to explore careers and see how different subjects compliment each other and highlights employability and transferable skills. Through PSHE Careers lessons pupils also explore the labour market in the local context, raising awareness of the employment opportunities that exist which instils in our pupils the desire to achieve well. Pupils also produce a draft of their career plan and how to compile a CV. Year 9 Options Day provides pupils with the information they need to choose the right GCSE subjects for them to progress on their journey to find the right career. Parents are then invited to attend an Options Evening to support their child in the decision making process, ensuring that the GCSE choices are suitable for their child to progress towards their future pathways.

Year 10

Weekly Tutor Time Activities incorporate a 'Job of the Week' to stimulate discussions in the pastoral setting while at the start of each half term Curriculum Lessons involving Careers (CLiC) Sessions bring the world of work into every lesson. This gives pupils the opportunity to explore careers and see how different subjects compliment each other and highlights employability and transferable skills. Career Connect are working closely with Year 10 pupils to raise aspirations and 1:1 Careers interviews begin in the Autumn term to give pupils and parents sufficient time to plan for post-16 provision education, training and employment opportunities. Local employers and education providers work closely with pupils to give them a better understanding of the world of work and higher education. Pupils also attend university visits and the Halton Skills Show. Pupils also have a Study Skills session in school, delivered by Career Connect where they learn how to learn new skills and organise themselves more effectively in regards to their revision. In PSHE they produce a CV and a personal statement and participate in Mock Interviews and Virtual Work Experience (VWEX) through Speakers for Schools and Springpod.

Year 11

Weekly Tutor Time Activities incorporate a 'Job of the Week' to stimulate discussions in the pastoral setting while at the start of each half term Curriculum Lessons involving Careers (CLiC) Sessions bring the world of work into every lesson. This gives pupils the opportunity to explore careers and see how different subjects compliment each other and highlights employability and transferable skills. Students are offered the opportunity to visit universities to experience higher education. By the Autumn term all Year 11 students have had a 1:1 Careers Guidance Session with the Careers Adviser who offers each individual expert and impartial advice about the routes of further study and apprenticeships available to them. A Careers Fair is held for all students and they have the opportunity to speak to various professionals and organisations, in order to help with their post-16 choices. Students are invited to attend workshops and presentations with outside speakers regarding various post-16 routes. In addition, students and parents are invited to attend the Elevate sessions.