
Introduction to Watershed Planning and Management (IWPM)

This lecture consists of classroom learnings and computer-based practical trainings for obtaining elementary knowledge and skills necessary for watershed planning and management. This elementary lecture focus on the following topics for the B2 students in the 4th semester.

  1. Watershed and river

  2. Flow duration curve and precipitation duration curve

  3. Rainfall-runoff modeling

  4. Hydrograph separation by numerical filter

  5. Hydrograph separation by using water quality data

  6. Estimating watershed-scale storage

Watershed Planning and Management (WPM)

This lecture serves basics of hydraulics that is often taught in a main stream subject in traditional civil engineering courses, covering the basic concepts of the following items. This lecture is designed for B3 students in the 6th semester.

  1. Static hydraulic pressure

  2. Mass balance equation

  3. Momentum balance equation

  4. Energy balance equation (Principle of Bernoulli)

  5. Pipe flow

  6. Open channel flow

Advanced Watershed Hydrology I (AWH-I)

This lecture serves an opportunity to grasp mechanisms and modeling methodology for understanding hydrological cycles in different natural environment. For this purpose, this lecture serves practical methodology for coding hydrological models via class-room learning and computer-based trainings. Students are required to bring a lap-top computer with a FORTRAN compiler. The topics are same as those of "Watershed Planning and Management" but students are required to code the hydrological models by themselves in this lecture.

  1. Introduction to numerical solution of partial difference equations

  2. Advection equation

  3. Diffusion equation

  4. Advection-diffusion equation

  5. Richards equation (Unsaturated flow model)

Advanced Watershed Hydrology II (AWH-II)

This lecture aimed at obtaining practical skills in hydrological studies using computer programming. By using Python script, students can learn the following skills in practical matter:

  1. Data acquisition

  2. Reading and using data

  3. Probabilistic and statistical data analysis

  4. Data visualization

  5. Hydrological modeling