Help Center for South Spencer Teacher Effectiveness Rubric


This site is intended to support South Spencer teachers in better understanding the SSTEP Rubric and provide additional resources that support best practices in teaching and learning.

What is the SSTEP Rubric?

Below is a link to the full SSTEP Rubric: 


The SSTEP Rubric is designed to mirror the flow of effective planning and delivery of classroom instruction.  The rubric reflects those best practices South Spencer teachers need to employ within their classrooms to ensure data driven lesson planning, goal oriented student academic achievement, student social and emotional growth, effective classroom management, and effective lesson delivery for all students.  The rubric also reflects professional expectations of South Spencer teachers.

This rubric will be used to guide observations of all South Spencer teachers in evaluating their overall performance.  The intent of all observations are to facilitate communication between the teacher and administrator regarding the status and progress of the classroom as a student-centered environment that drives high-quality student learning, leadership, and growth. Therefore, you will find that to the greatest extent possible, evidence used in observations is based on a mix of what the teacher and students are saying, doing, and learning during the observation.  

Evidence and data could be qualitative or quantitative in nature.  Whenever possible, the critical mass of students observed will serve as the basis for scoring.  For example, if one student is off task for a portion of the observation but the overwhelming majority are authentically engaged in the lesson, are making connections, and synthesizing new information, the score would be given for the critical mass of students and the individual off-task student would simply be noted for conversation and reflection.

In an effort to encourage innovation, risk taking, and growth by teachers to create a high quality, student-centered environment to drive student learning, leadership and growth, evaluation scores are not an average of scores over the course of the year.  Rather, formative scores, evidence, and feedback will be shared with teachers over the course of the year and summative scores will be determined collaboratively at the end of the year.  The specific process is outlined below.

What is the process for Evaluation?

Link to 2023-2024 South Spencer Evaluation Plan:

Each staff member in a teaching or instructional support role will receive numerous informal, unannounced, observations (walk-throughs) throughout the school year.  These observations are informal and  formative in nature and will help inform as to the daily structure and instruction within the classroom.  Feedback may be provided on walk-throughs to help highlight areas observed.  

Some rubric indicators may not be observed during a single long or short formal observation.  This will require the evaluator and teacher to work together to identify documentation to support a rating for the indicator or to schedule an additional time for the indicator to be observed.  Indicators can be cumulative in nature, meaning some evidence may carry from observation to observation and be seen in other informal observations and documentation.

Teachers are able to document student progress in their classrooms to inform conversations and the summative evaluation scores in several ways.  First, teachers can reflect and upload documents into SFS.  This might include student work, videos, pictures, etc.   Second, teachers may request additional observations that would support any area they would like to see as a focus.  Finally, teachers can and should document student growth using multiple measures.  Depending on the grade/subject area, these may include curricular assessments (formal and informal), NWEA progress, ILearn or other state assessments, and other assessment data that indicates progress towards mastery of grade level/subject material.

Annually, a trained evaluator will observe each employee as follows:

Additional observations may be determined by need or  requested by the teacher. At any time the administrator may expand the number of observations or increase the length of time in the observation as they see fit.

All scores, observation notes and rubric scores will be documented in SFS.  When necessary, a pre-conference will take place with an administrator.  The administrator will conduct a long observation in the classroom as coordinated by the evaluator and the teacher.  The formal observation will be documented in SFS.  For the long observation, post-conference discussion will be scheduled for the purpose of reflection and sharing of progress.   During the post conference, the teacher and administrator will reflect on the student behavior and learning during the observation.  Although scores for every indicator will be shared by the observer, these still are not summative.  They are evidence/indicator of a snapshot in time of a lesson, and are used to inform a final score at the end of the year (as opposed to being averaged into a final score). 

Select the Domain you would like to view.

 Domain 1: Purposeful Planning and Data
Domain 2: Culture and Environment
Domain 3: Effective Instruction
Domain 4: Teacher Leadership
Domain 5: Core Professionalism

Resources and information provided on this site will be a combination of internally created resources and resources that support the intent of the SSTEP Rubric standards.  If any external resource links are not functioning or if they do not appear to connect with the intended standard, please let your administrator know.

If you need additional support, contact your school principal.