Class Information


Links to menus and "Pay for It" accounts can be found on the Sheffield Schools website. Lunch accounts can be loaded and replenished online or you can send money in an envelope labeled "lunch account" with your child's name.

Morning Snack

For the first few weeks of the school year, I will allow students to bring in a small, quick snack to eat mid-morning to help get us through the day.  You may send things like granola bars, cheesesticks, crackers, dry cereal or fruit.  Please do NOT send sandwiches or sugary snacks.  I will send home a note when we will stop doing morning snack at the end of September.  Students are not permitted to share snacks.

School Supplies

Please refer to the Second Grade Supply List on the Knollwood website. I will keep all of the "extra" supplies and distribute them to your child as needed.  If your child has depleted their extras, I will send home a note to let you know.  If purchasing supplies is difficult at this time, please let me or the office know.  


We WILL celebrate each student's birthday this year! Our building policy states birthday treats can NOT be sent to school. Instead, we encourage you to donate a book in your child's name to our school library.  If you would like additional information about how to do this, please contact me. Mrs. Mudore also includes this information in her monthly newsletter.

Scholastic Book Orders

I will periodically send home order forms for Scholastic books.  Books can be ordered and paid for online.  Our classroom earns free books with each order. This is a great way to build your child's at-home library.


Second grade specials will include art, library, music,  technology, and physical education.   I will send home a schedule with your child the first week of school.

Grading Scale

Academic areas will be graded as follows:

M-Meets Standard: Demonstrates independently & consistently

D-Developing: Demonstrates with some support or inconsistently

B-Beginning: Needs frequent reteaching, additional practice and/or modified assignments