FABI Refresher


We are excited to work together to learn more and support students.


  • To review the Tier 3 Intervention of Functional Assessment Based Intervention (FABI) collaborative planning process for students needing intensive, individualized support.

  • To know strengths of your team’s FBA and BIP process and areas of growth.

  • To know where to access resources and further supports for the Tier 3 intervention.

This content is connected to HLP 10

Getting organized

  1. Click here for a note taking template

  2. Participants may choose to complete the entire refresher or focus on specific components of the intervention

  3. Should you need support at anytime (content or technology), please email Taryn Gaskill tcgaskill@ssdmo.org or Breeya Perry bdperry@ssdmo.org

Time to review FABI!

Choose from the following links below to refresh on the entire FABI process.

  1. Video Overview

  2. Elementary FABI article

  3. Intervention Guideline

  4. FABI Quick Guide

  5. FABI Process Tool (checklist)

In your notes handout

Write down how you would explain the process to a family member who has been shared that this intervention may be beneficial for their child.

Checking the System

Take this short quiz to see how well you understand how FABI fits within a systematic approach!

Practice Function

To get going, take time to watch the video: "Functions of Behavior".

Then review the table: Determining Function

In your Notes Handout

Record concepts, ideas, ah-has... you want to remember as you work with a team to determine function.

optional opportunity for function practice

Read the following scenarios. What is the function and why? Use the table in the document to support your thinking.

TIPS for the functional Based Assessment

  1. Less is More! Remember you do not need to have several target behaviors. Consider if they occur all together or very independently. Consider what the team really wants to focus on as a priority.

  2. Target Behavior(s) should be written in specific, observable, measurable terms.

  3. Summarized Function Statement- should include the months of the data collection, the data used (direct observations, interviews....), conditions in which the behavior occurs, the target behavior, and the hypothesized function.

Developing the bip

  1. Watch the video above for a quick overview and visual of the Behavior Intervention Plan.

  2. Look at this sample BIP. Record any connections you are making or wonderings you have on your notes handout.

  3. Using the sample from above, or a current FBA/BIP from one of your students, use this scoring rubric to evaluate your document. Capture your results on the notes handout.

  4. Based on your assessment from task 3, on your notes handout, capture the strengths found in the document as well as what some opportunities might be to strengthen your plans.

TIPS for the Behavior Intervention Plan

  1. Write out the plan in sentences!!

  2. Alternative Replacement Behavior is NOT outcome based (life skills, work hard…)

    1. What do we want he/she to DO INSTEAD?

  3. Progress Monitoring GOAL:

    1. SMART

  4. TEACHING the Replacement Behavior

    1. Remember you have to actually do all of this!!!

  5. Align the strategies to FUNCTION and in the correct spots.

Expand your skills

Now that you have dived further into your strengths and weaknesses, take a little time for some personalized learning to grow your skills. Capture any learnings on your notes handout.

Organizing and Teaming

Practice Identifying Function

Replacement Behavior and Data Collection

Aligning Interventions to Function

Treatment Integrity and Social Validity

Your Go-to: the FABI Home doc!

Have you bookmarked the FABI Home Doc site yet? It will be your go-to for all things FABI (resources, tools, and more)! If you haven't done so already, or if it's been a while, take a look around.

For an added bit of fun, complete this Scavenger Hunt to search for different tools found within the Home Doc (hey, it might help you out later!).

See anything awesome that others might want to know too? Go to this Jamboard and add a sticky note to let others know some of the things you use most, or just see what other cool stuff your colleagues like about the Home Doc!

Functional Assessment-Based Interventions (FABI) Home Doc

Please take a minute to fill out this google form to share how confident you feel about FABI and what future supports you may need.

Thank you for spending time to refresh on FABI!

Taryn Gaskill

Breeya Perry