Autistic Support

Click on the icon of each resource to access.

sequence it!


task analysis

Grades K-12

Various task analysis activities such as, teaching routines, putting on a coat, how to fold towels, making a PB & J sandwich, and brushing teeth.


Various free internet resources.

verbal me

video modeling

Grades K-12

Video modeling of everyday tasks for autistic and life skills learners. Topics include: making canned soup, putting on a coat, taking turns, and brushing teeth, washing hands.


Free videos found using Bing.

wide open school

Grades PK-12

This site was built in a matter of days on a shared vision. We plan to keep building until things get back to normal. A group of more than 25 organizations came together and raised their hands to help, and many more are joining on a daily basis. Watch for new features and content partners frequently.


Wide Open School is a free collection of the best online learning experiences for kids curated by the editors at Common Sense. There is so much good happening, and we are here to gather great stuff and organize it so teachers and families can easily find it and plan each day.

words on wheels