How to access the videos:

Note: Each lesson comes with questions on the right side

Subject/Topic Contents:

  • Arts (Visual)

  • Arts (Music)

  • Arts (Theatre)

  • Counseling

  • Debate

  • Design/Technology

  • French

  • Language & Literature

  • Logic & Reasoning (Riddles)

  • Mathematics

  • Physical & Health Education

  • Sciences

  • Social Studies/World Cultures

  • Spanish

  • Special Education

  • U.S. History

ARTS (Music)

  • A Different Way to Visualize Rhythm
  • Animation Basics: The Art of Timing and Spacing
  • A-rhythm-etic. The Math Behind the Beats
  • Beatboxing 101
  • A Brief History of Goths
  • Earworms: Those Songs That Get Stuck in Your Head
  • From Aaliyah to Jay-Z: Captured Moments in Hip-Hop History
  • How Bass Instruments Work
  • How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain
  • How to Practice Effectively
  • How to Read Music
  • Johann Sebastian Bach’ Life
  • Music and Creativity in Ancient Greece
  • Music and Emotion Through Time
  • Music and Math: The Genius of Beethoven
  • Music as a Language
  • The Physics of Playing a Guitar
  • The Secrets of Mozart’s Magic Flute
  • Why You Should Listen to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons
  • Why We Love Repetition in Music

ARTS (THeatre)

  • Development of English Drama
  • Did Shakespeare Write His Plays?
  • Does the Wonderful Wizard of Oz Have a Hidden Message?
  • The History of Social Dance
  • In on a Secret? That’s Dramatic Irony
  • Shakespeare’s Best Insults
  • Kabuki: The People's Dramatic Art
  • Poetry, Pentameter, Pirates (Shakespeare & Iambic Pentameter)
  • The Science of Stage Fright (and How to Overcome It)
  • Shakespearean Dating Tips
  • Slowing Down Time (in Writing & Film)
  • What's the Definition of Comedy?
  • Why Is Aristophanes Called the Father of Comedy?
  • Why Is This Painting So Captivating? (Las Meninas)
  • Why Shakespeare Loved Iambic Pentameter
  • Why Tragedies Are Alluring?

arts (visual)

  • The Amazing Math in Da Vinci’s ‘Vitruvian Man’
  • Andy Warhol, Campbell’s Soup Cans: Why Is This Art?
  • Brief History of Graffiti
  • Brief History of Religion in Art
  • Bringing a Pop-up Book to Life
  • The Case for Andy Warhol
  • Cave Paintings
  • The Chaotic Brilliance of Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat
  • Complex Geometry and Islamic Design
  • The Dawn of Art
  • Doodlers Unite
  • Eye vs. Camera
  • Frida Kahlo: The Woman Behind the Legend
  • Gyotaku: The Ancient Japanese Art of Printing Fish
  • The History of Graffiti
  • The History of Tattoos
  • How Ancient Art Influenced Modern Art
  • How Art Can Help You Analyze
  • How One French Poet Combined Poetry and Visual Art
  • Inside a Cartoonist’s World
  • Is There a Difference Between Art and Craft
  • The Many Meanings of Michelangelo’s Statue of David
  • Math and Van Gogh
  • The Mathematics of Sidewalk Illusions
  • My Cat Could Make That (What Is Abstract Expressionism?)
  • Taking Imagination Seriously
  • What Color is Tuesday? Exploring Synesthesia
  • What Is Color?
  • What Is Minimalist Art and Why Does It Matter?
  • Who Decided What Art Means
  • Why Babies in Medieval Paintings Look Like Ugly Old Men
  • Why Is This Painting So Captivating? (Girl with the Pearl Earring)
  • Why Is This Painting So Captivating? (Las Meninas)
  • Why Is This Painting So Shocking? (Guernica)


  • Addiction
  • Are You a Giver or a Taker?
  • Are You a Good Listener?
  • The Distracted Mind
  • Does School Prepare Students for the Real World
  • Debunking the Myths of OCD
  • The Equation for Reaching Your Dreams
  • Five Tips to Improve Critical Thinking
  • Five Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain Right Now
  • Five Ways You Can Help a Friend Suffering from Depression
  • Friendships and Vulnerability
  • Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
  • Good and Bad Childhoods
  • Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset: An Introduction
  • How Does Stress Affect the Brain?
  • How I Learned to Organize My Scatterbrain
  • How Miscommunication Happens (and How to Avoid It)
  • How to Be Confident
  • How to Be More Empathetic
  • How to Manage Your Time More Effectively
  • How to Practice Effectively
  • How to Stay Calm Under Pressure
  • How to Stop Being Bored and Start Being Bold
  • How to Talk to People You Disagree With
  • Is Binge-Watching Bad for You?
  • J.K. Rowling on the Importance of Failing
  • Learning to Listen
  • Manners
  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • The Science of Decision-Making
  • Seven Healthy Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep
  • A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit
  • Stay in--or Leave--a Relationship?
  • The Surprising Link Between Stress and Memory
  • Teach Girls Bravery Not Perfection
  • Three Quick Tips to Boost Your Confidence
  • What Causes Addiction
  • What Is Bipolar Disorder?
  • What Is Depression?
  • What Is Empathy?
  • What Trying to Help My Friend Taught Me About Mental Health
  • What You Can Do When Friendship Becomes Harmful
  • Why Do People Join Cults?
  • Why Do We Make Irrational Decisions?
  • Why Perfect Grades Don’t Matter
  • Why We Fear the Wrong Things


  • Are Boys Smarter Than Girls?
  • Is There a Limit to Technological Progress?
  • The Lost Art of Democratic Debate
  • Private School vs. Public School
  • The Pros and Cons of Pesticides
  • Should We Get Rid of Standardized Testing?
  • Should We Look for Life Elsewhere in the Universe?
  • Would You Sacrifice One Person to Save Five?


  • Animal Architects
  • Animation Basics: Homemade Special Effects
  • Animation Basics: The Optical Illusion of Motion
  • A Brief History of Video Games (Part I)
  • Building the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Can Machines Read Your Emotions?
  • Can a Robot be Creative?
  • How a Bendy Straw Was Invented
  • How an Igloo Keeps You Warm
  • How Blue Jeans Were Invented
  • How Cars Went from Boxy to Curvy
  • How Computer Memory Works
  • How Computers Translate Human Language
  • How Do Hard Drives Work?
  • How Do Self-Driving Cars See?
  • How Do Touchscreens Work?
  • How Fan Films Shaped the Lego Movie
  • How Far Can We Go?
  • How the Band-Aid was invented?
  • How the Popsicle Was Invented
  • How the Romans Flooded the Colosseum for Sea Battles
  • How the Rubber Glove was Invented
  • How the Sandwich Was Invented
  • How Smudge-proof Lipstick Was Invented
  • How Superglue Was Invented
  • How a TV Works in Slow Motion
  • How Was the First Metro System Built?
  • Inside Your Computer
  • Is Google Killing Your Memory?
  • Is It Possible to Create a Perfect Vacuum?
  • A Life-Saving Device That Detects Heart Attacks
  • Magnetic Slime
  • Meet a 12-year-old App Developer
  • Nine Futuristic Materials
  • The Power of Creative Constraints
  • Teaching Design for Change
  • Ten Dangerous Fashion Trends
  • Think Like a Coder (Series)
  • This One Weird Trick Will Help You Spot Clickbait
  • What Are Mini Brains?
  • What If Cracks in Concrete Could Fix Themselves?
  • What Is the Internet of Things?
  • What Is a Smartphone Made of?
  • What Is the World Wide Web?
  • What’s So Special About Viking Ships?
  • Will We Ever Be Able to Teleport?
  • Will There Ever Be a Mile-High Skyscraper?


  • History vs. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • What Caused the French Revolution?


Note: There are several poems from the “There’s a Poem for That” series in this list. They all are identified with the series’ name in parentheses after the title.
  • Accents (There’s A Poem for That series)
  • All the World Is a Stage (There’s a Poem for That series)
  • An Antihero of One’s Own
  • Animal Farm – Context and Background
  • The Art of the Metaphor
  • The Assassination of Julius Caesar
  • The Aztec Myth of the Unluckiest Sun God
  • Become a Slam Poet in Five Steps
  • Beware of Nominalizations (AKA Zombie Nouns)
  • A Brief History of Plural Word
  • The Cambodian Myth of Thunder, Lightning, and Rain
  • The Case of a Misplaced Modifier
  • The Chinese Myth of the Immortal White Snake I & 2
  • Comma Story
  • The Clues to a Great Story
  • Dare to Educate Afghan Girls
  • Does Grammar Matter?
  • Does the Wonderful World of Oz Have a Hidden Message?
  • Everything You Need to Know to Read The Canterbury Tales
  • Everything You Need to Know to Read Frankenstein
  • Everything You Need to Know to Read The Odyssey
  • The Evolution of the Book
  • First Kiss (There’s A Poem for That series)
  • Five Myths from Around the World
  • For Estefani, Third Grade, Who Made Me a Card (There’s A Poem for That series)
  • Francine’s Interview – Holocaust Survivor
  • A Global Culture to Fight Extremism
  • Grammar's Great Divide: The Oxford Comma
  • Harry Potter and the Translator’s Nightmare
  • Hero: A Lesson from a Volunteer Firefighter
  • A Host of Heroes
  • How Can You Change Someone’s Mind?
  • How Did English Evolve?
  • How Did Hitler Rise to Power?
  • How Do Languages Evolve?
  • How False News Can Spread
  • How Fiction Can Change Reality
  • How the Heart Actually Pumps Blood
  • How Many Verb Tenses Are There in English?
  • How Miscommunication Happens
  • How Misused Modifiers Can Hurt Your Writing
  • How to Build a Fictional World
  • How to Make Your Writing Suspenseful
  • How Many Verb Tenses Are There in English?
  • How to Recognize a Dystopia
  • How Thor Got His Hammer
  • How to Use Rhetoric to Get What You Want
  • How to Use a Semicolon
  • How to Write Fiction That Comes Alive
  • Insults by Shakespeare
  • The Irish Myth of the Giant’s Causeway
  • Is There Any Truth to King Arthur’s Legends?
  • The Key to Media's Hidden Codes
  • Lessons from Auschwitz: The Power of Our Words
  • The Magic, Mathematical Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges
  • To Make Use of Water (There’s a Poem for That series)
  • Making Sense of Spelling
  • Mining Literature for Deeper Meanings
  • Misleading Headlines
  • The Myth of Arachne
  • The Myth of Cupid and Psyche
  • The Myth of Hercules
  • The Myth of Icarus and Daedalus
  • The Myth of Jason & the Argonauts
  • The Myth of King Midas and His Golden Touch
  • The Myth of Oisin and the Land of Eternal Youth
  • The Myth of Pandora’s Box
  • The Myth of Prometheus
  • The Myth of Sisyphus
  • The New Colossus (There’s a Poem for That series)
  • The Nutritionist There’s a Poem for That series)
  • Ode to the Only Black Kid in Class (There’s a Poem for That series)
  • The Opposites Game (from There’s a Poem for That series)
  • Plato’s Allegory of a Cave
  • Plato’s Best and Worst Ideas
  • A Poetic Experiment: Walt Whitman Interpreted by Three Animators
  • The Poetry of Emily Dickenson
  • The Poet Who Painted with Words
  • The Power of a Great Introduction
  • The Power of Simple Words
  • The Punishable Perils of Plagiarism
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Beauty of the Everyday
  • A Refresher on Edgar Allan Poe
  • The Road Not Taken (There’s a Poem for That series)
  • The Science Behind the Myth: Homer's "Odyssey"
  • The Secret Student Resistance to Hitler
  • The Second Coming (There’s a Poem for That series)
  • Situational Irony: The Opposite of What You Think
  • Speech Acts: Constative and Performative (Power of Words)
  • Thor’s Journey to the Land of Giants
  • Three Anti-Social Skills to Improve Your Writing
  • Three Months After (There’s a Poem for That series)
  • Titan of Terror: The Dark Imagination of H.P. Lovecraft
  • To Make use of Water (There’s a Poem for That series)
  • The Tragic Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice
  • Vampires: Folklore, Fantasy and Fact
  • What Aristotle and Joshua Bell Can Teach Us About Persuasion
  • What Is an Antihero?
  • What Is the Definition of Comedy?
  • What Is Verbal Irony?
  • What Makes a Hero?
  • What Makes a Poem a Poem?
  • What Makes Something Kafkaesque?
  • What “Orwellian” Really Means
  • When to Use Apostrophes
  • When to Use Me, Myself, and I?
  • Where Do New Words Come From?
  • Who Am I?
  • Who Is Sherlock Holmes?
  • Who Were the Vestal Virgins?
  • Why Facts Don’t Convince People
  • Why Should You Read Charles Dickens?
  • Why Should You Read Crime and Punishment?
  • Why Should you Read Don Quixote?
  • Why Should You Read Edgar Allan Poe?
  • Why Should You Read Fahrenheit 451?
  • Why Should You Read the Handmaid’s Tale?
  • Why Should You Read Kurt Vonnegut?
  • Why Should You Read Macbeth?
  • Why Should You Read A Midsummer’s Night Dream?
  • Why Should You Read One Hundred Years of Solitude?
  • Why Should You Read Sylvia Plath?
  • Why Should You Read The Tempest?
  • Why Should You Read Waiting for Godot?
  • Why Should You Read War and Peace?
  • Why Should You Read Sci-Fi Superstar Octavia F. Butler?
  • The Wicked Wit of Jane Austen
  • Will the Real Sherlock Holmes Please Stand Up?
  • The World According to James Baldwin
  • The World’s Most Mysterious Book

logic & Reasoning

  • Can You Find the Next Number in This Sequence?
  • Can You Outsmart This Logical Fallacy?
  • Can You Solve the Airplane Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Alien Probe Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Bridge Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Buried Treasure Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Control Room Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Counterfeit Coin Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Cuddly, Duddly, Fuddly, Wuddly Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Dark Coin Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Egg Drop Riddle?
  • Can You Solve Einstein’s Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the False Positive Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Fish Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Frog Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Giant Cat Army Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Giant Iron Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Jail Break Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Killer Robo-Ants Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Leonardo da Vinci Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Locker Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Mondrian Squares Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Multiplying Rabbits Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Multiverse Rescue Mission Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Passcode Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Penniless Pilgrim Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Pirate Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Prisoner Box Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Prisoner Hat Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Rebel Supplies Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the River Crossing Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Rogue AI Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Secret Werewolf Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Seven Planets Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Stolen Rubies Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Temple Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Three Gods Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Time Travel Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Troll’s Paradox Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Unstoppable Blob Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Vampire Hunter’s Riddle?
  • Can You Solve the Wizard Standoff Riddle?
  • Fire Crystal Riddle
  • Winning at Rock, Paper, Scissors


  • A-rhythm-etic. The Math Behind the Beats
  • A Brief History of Banned Numbers
  • A Brief History of Numerical Systems
  • Can You Solve This?
  • The Case of the Missing Fractals
  • Check Your Intuition: The Birthday Problem
  • The Complex Geometry of Islamic Design
  • The Coin Flip Conundrum
  • Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man of Math
  • The Famously Difficult Green-Eyed Logic Puzzle
  • A Faster Way to Add and Multiply in Your Head
  • The Fundamentals of Probability
  • How Big Is Infinity?
  • How High Can You Count on Your Fingers?
  • How the Konigsberg Bridge Problem Changed Mathematics
  • How Many Ways Are There to Prove the Pythagorean Theorem?
  • How Many Ways Can You Arrange a Deck of Cards?
  • How Statistics Can Be Misleading
  • How to Make a Hexaflexagon
  • How to Prove the Pythagorean Theory
  • How to Spot a Misleading Graph
  • How to Visualize One Part Per Million
  • The Infinite Hotel Paradox
  • The Infinite Life of Pi
  • Is Math Discovered or Invented?
  • Is Our Climate Headed for Mathematical Chaos?
  • The Last Banana: A Thought Experiment in Probability
  • Making Sense of Irrational Numbers
  • The Math Behind Michael Jordan’s Legendary Hang Time
  • The Mathematical Secrets of Pascual’s Triangle
  • The Mathematics of Sidewalk Illusions
  • Mile of Pi - Numberphile
  • Music and Math: The Genius of Beethoven
  • Mysteries of Vernacular: Zero
  • Pixar: The Math Behind the Movies
  • Population Pyramids: Powerful Predictors of the Future
  • Riemann’s Paradox: Pi Equals Infinity Minus Infinity
  • Should I Stay or Should I Switch Doors?
  • SpongeBob's house is not a pineapple (Fibonacci Numbers)
  • A Trip Through Space to Calculate Distance
  • The Unexpected Math Behind Van Gogh's "Starry Night"
  • Welcome to the Virus Riddle
  • What Are Vectors?
  • What's an Algorithm?
  • What’s the Difference Between Accuracy and Precision?
  • Where Do Math Symbols Come From?
  • Why Are Manhole Covers Round?
  • Why Can’t You Divide by Zero?
  • Why Does Math Make So Many People Anxious?
  • Why Do People Get So Anxious About Math?
  • Why Do Honeybees Love Hexagons?
  • Why the Metric System Matters
  • Why You Can’t Divided by Zero

phys. Ed./health

  • An Athlete Uses Physics to Shatter World Records
  • Are Food Preservatives Bad for You?
  • The Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep
  • The Benefits of Good Posture
  • The Complicated History of Surfing
  • Could We Cure Aging During Your Lifetime?
  • The Different Types of Fats
  • Does Stress Cause Pimples?
  • Do Fad Diets Work?
  • The Effects of Sleep Deprivation
  • Eradicating HIV
  • The Fascinating Science of Phantom Limbs
  • Five Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain
  • Five Weird Involuntary Reflexes Explained!
  • The Heartbreaking Text That Inspired a Crisis Help Line
  • The History of the Black Fives Era in Basketball
  • How Anesthesia Works
  • How Aspirin Was Discovered?
  • How Blood Pressure Works
  • How Close Are We to Eradicating HIV?
  • How Concussions Work
  • How Do Blood Transfusions Works?
  • How Do Cigarettes Affect the Body?
  • How Does Asthma Work?
  • How Does Caffeine Keep Us Awake?
  • How Does Sugar Affect the Brain?
  • How Does Your Body Know You’re Full?
  • How Does Your Body Process Medicine?
  • How Does Your Digestive System Work?
  • How Does Your Heart Pump Blood?
  • How Does Your Liver Work?
  • How Does Your Pancreas Work?
  • How Does Your Thyroid Manage Your Metabolism?
  • How Do Drugs Affect the Brain?
  • How Do Glasses Help You See?
  • How Do Vaccines Work?
  • How Do Viruses Jump from Animals to Humans?
  • How Do Vitamins Work?
  • How Do We Study Living Brains?
  • How Do Wounds Heal?
  • How Do You Get Rid of Acne?
  • How Do Your Kidneys Work?
  • How Do Your Lungs Work?
  • How Fast Can Humans Go?
  • How the Food You Eat Affects Your Brain
  • How the Food You Eat Affects Your Gut
  • How Hormones Work
  • How Microbes Form Communities
  • How Much Water Do We Need to Drink?
  • How Mucus Keeps Us Healthy
  • How Old Are Your Ears? (This is a hearing test that requires earphones connected to a computer set at 1080p.)
  • How One Scientist Averted a National Health Crisis
  • How Oxygen Travels Through the Body
  • How Playing Sports Benefits Your Body and Brain
  • How Old Is Your Body Really?
  • How to Practice Effectively
  • How Stress Affects the Brain
  • How Sugar Affects the Brain
  • How to Biohack Your Cells to Fight Cancer
  • How to Choose a Sunscreen
  • How to Eradicate a Disease
  • How to Help a Friend Suffering from Depression
  • How X-rays See Through Your Skin
  • How to Grow a Bone
  • How to Practice Effectively
  • How Your Immune System Works
  • How Your Muscular System Works
  • Is It Bad to Hold Your Pee?
  • Is Marijuana Bad for Your Brain?
  • Is Radiation Dangerous?
  • Lead and the Brain
  • The Mysterious Science of Pain
  • The Neuroscience of Pokemon Go
  • Protecting the Brain Against Concussion
  • Sickle Cell Disease
  • The Surprising Cause of Stomach Ulcers
  • The Surprising Reason Muscles Get Tired
  • The Surprising Reason You Feel Awful When You’re Sick
  • The Tortuous History of the Treadmill
  • 23 and 1/2 Hours
  • Your Body vs. Implants
  • What Are Carbohydrates?
  • What Are Those Floaty Things in Your Eyes?
  • What Causes Addiction
  • What Causes Antibiotic Resistance?
  • What Causes Bad Breath?
  • What Causes Baldness?
  • What Causes Body Odor?
  • What Causes Cavities?
  • What Causes Headaches?
  • What Causes Kidney Stones?
  • What Causes Memory Loss?
  • What Did Dogs Teach Humans About Diabetes?
  • What Does Your Thyroid Do?
  • What Happens During a Heart Attack?
  • What Happens During a Stroke?
  • What Happens When You Get Heat Stroke?
  • What Happens When You Have a Concussion?
  • What Herpes Can Do to Your Brain
  • What Is a Calorie?
  • What Is Alzheimer's Disease?
  • What Is Depression?
  • What is Ebola?
  • What Is Fat?
  • What Is It Like to Have Tourette’s---and How Music Gives Me Back Control?
  • What’s the Big Deal with Gluten?
  • What Is the Menstrual Cycle?
  • What Is Narcissism?
  • What Is Obesity?
  • What Makes Muscles Grow
  • What Would Happen If You Didn’t Drink Water?
  • What Would Happen If You Didn’t Sleep?
  • Why Do Blood Types Matter?
  • Why Do Our Joints Pop?
  • Why Do We Age?
  • Why Do We Dream?
  • Why Do We Hiccup?
  • Why Do We Itch?
  • Who Do We Make Irrational Decisions?
  • Why Do We Pass Gas?
  • Why Do We Sweat?
  • Why Do Women Have Periods?
  • Why Do You Need to Get a Flu Shot Every Year?
  • Why Is Being Scared So Fun?
  • Why Is the Human Body Asymmetrical?
  • Why Is Meningitis So Dangerous?
  • Why Is It So Hard to Cure ALS?
  • Why Is It So Hard to Cure Cancer?
  • Why It’s So Hard to Cure HIV/AIDS
  • Why Sitting Is Bad for You
  • Why Some People Have Seasonal Allergies
  • The World’s Most Infectious Killer
  • Your Body vs. Implants


  • The 2,400-year Search for the Atom (History of Atomic Theory)
  • ABCs of Gas
  • The Accident That Changed the World (Discovery of Penicillin)
  • Activation Energy: Kickstarting Chemical Reactions
  • The Amazing Ways Plants Defend Themselves
  • Atoms from A to Easy!
  • An Athlete Uses Physics to Shatter World Records
  • Are GMOs Good or Bad?
  • Are Naked Mole Rats the Strangest Mammals?
  • Are We Running Out of Clean Water?
  • Attack of the Killer Algae
  • At What Moment Are You Dead?
  • A Baffling Balloon Behavior
  • Biodiesel: The Afterlife of Oil
  • Biofuels and Bioprospecting for Beginners
  • Birth of the Lightsaber
  • The Brilliance of Bioluminescence
  • Calculating the Odds of Intelligent Alien Life
  • Can Animals Adapt to Climate Change?
  • Can a Black Hole Be Destroyed?
  • The Cancer Gene We All Have
  • Can 100% Renewable Energy Power the World?
  • Cannibalism in the Animal Kingdom
  • Can Plants Communicate?
  • Can You Survive Nuclear Fallout?
  • The Carbon Cycle
  • Carl Sagan on the Existence of Extraterrestrials
  • The Case of the Vanishing Honeybees
  • Cell Membranes: Are They More Complicated Than You Think?
  • Cell vs. Virus: A Battle for Health
  • The Challenges of Nuclear Power
  • Climate Change: Earth's Giant Game of Tetris
  • Cloudy Climate Change: How Clouds affect Earth's Temperature
  • The Coelacanth: A Living Fossil of a Fish
  • The Colossal Consequences of Supervolcanoes
  • The Complicated Journey of Marine Plastic Pollution
  • Conserving Our Spectacular, Vulnerable Coral Reefs
  • Coral Reefs Aren’t as Doomed as You Think
  • Could a Blind Eye Regenerate?
  • Could the Earth Be Swallowed by a Back Hole?
  • Could Human Civilization Spread Across the Whole Galaxy?
  • Could You Survive 2.5 Million Years Ago?
  • Could Underwater Farms Help Fight Climate Change?
  • Could We Create Dark Matter?
  • Could We Survive in Outer Space?
  • Crazy Pool Vortex
  • Creatures of the Deep
  • Dark Matter: The Matter We Can't See
  • Dead Stuff: The Secret Ingredient in Our Food Chain
  • The Death of Bees Explained
  • The Death of the Universe
  • Describing the Invisible Properties of Gas
  • Diagnosing a Zombie: Brain and Behavior
  • Diagnosing a Zombie: Brain and Body
  • Disappearing Frogs
  • DNA: The Book of You
  • The Dramatic Origins of Germ Theory
  • The Dust Bunnies That Built Our Planet
  • Einstein's Brilliant Mistake: Entangled States
  • Einstein’s Twin Paradox Explained
  • Einstein’s Miracle Year
  • Electric Vocabulary
  • Eli the Eel: A Mysterious Migration
  • Endocrine System - Part 1 (How Hormones Work)
  • The Fascinating Science of Phantom Limbs
  • Finding Habitable Worlds
  • The First Asteroid Ever Discovered
  • Five Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain
  • Football Physics: The “Impossible” Free Kick
  • Four Ways to Understand the Earth's Age
  • A 40-year Plan for Energy
  • Free Falling in Outer Space
  • Fresh Water Scarcity: An Introduction to the Problem
  • From DNA to Silly Putty, the Diverse World of Polymers
  • From Outer Space to Under Our Skin: A Look at the Universe
  • From the Top of the Food Chain Down: Rewilding Our World
  • The Fundamentals of Space-time: Part 1
  • The Fundamentals of Space-time: Part 2
  • The Fundamentals of Space-time: Part 3
  • The Genius of Marie Curie
  • The Genius of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
  • Gravity and the Human Body
  • A Guide to the Energy of the Earth
  • Hawking’s Black Hole Paradox Explained
  • The Hidden Beauty of Pollination
  • The Higgs Field, Explained
  • The History of the Barometer
  • How Bacteria "Talk"
  • How Batteries Work
  • How Big Is the Ocean?
  • How Brain Parasites Change Their Host’s Behavior
  • How Breathing Works
  • How the Choices You Make Affect Your Genes
  • How Clouds Were Named
  • How Cosmic Rays Help Us Understand the Universe
  • How CRISPR Lets You Edit DNA
  • How Deep Is the Ocean?
  • How Did Feathers Evolve?
  • How Do Animals See in the Dark?
  • How Do Cancer Cells Behave Differently from Healthy Ones?
  • How Do Crystals Work?
  • How Does an Atom-smashing Particle Accelerator Work?
  • How Does Cancer Spread?
  • How Does Fracking Work?
  • How Does Hibernation Work?
  • How Does Work . . . Work?
  • How Does Your Brain Respond to Pain?
  • How Do Fish Make Electricity?
  • How Do Germs Spread (and Why Do They Make Us Sick)?
  • How Do Nerves Work?
  • How Do Schools of Fish Swim in Harmony?
  • How Do Solar Panels Work?
  • How Do Tornadoes Form?
  • How Do We Extract Raw Materials from Nature?
  • How Do We Separate the Seemingly Inseparable?
  • How Do We Smell?
  • How Do We Study Living Brains?
  • How Do We Study the Stars?
  • How Do Wounds Heal?
  • How Far Would You Have to Go to Escape Gravity?
  • How Fast Are You Moving Right Now?
  • How Folding a Paper Can Get You to the Moon
  • How Giant Sea Creatures Eat Tiny Sea Creatures
  • How Heavy Is Air?
  • How Inventions Change History (for Better and for Worse)
  • How I Teach Kids to Love Science
  • How Levers Work
  • How Life Begins in the Deep Ocean
  • How Long Will Human Impacts Last?
  • How Many Universes Are There?
  • How Memories Form and Why We Lose Them
  • How Mendel’s Pea Plants Helped Us Understand Genetics
  • How Microbes Form Communities
  • How Oceanographers Found the Titanic
  • How Oxygen Travels Through Your Body
  • How Optical Illusions Trick Your Brain
  • How Small Are We in the Scale of the Universe?
  • How Smart Are Dolphins?
  • How Pandemics Spread
  • How Plants Tell Time
  • How Simple Ideas Lead to Scientific Discoveries
  • How Small Are We in the Scale of the Universe?
  • How Smart Are Orangutans?
  • How Spontaneous Brain Activity Keeps You Alive
  • How Squids Outsmart Their Predators
  • How Sugar Affects the Brain
  • How to Biohack Your Cells and Fight Cancer
  • How to Build a Dark Matter Detector
  • How to Create Cleaner Coal
  • How to Detect a Supernova
  • How to Eradicate a Disease
  • How to Fly Around the World Without Fuel
  • How to Grow a Glacier
  • How to Sequence the Human Genome
  • How to Speed Up Chemical Reactions (and Get a Date)
  • How to Squeeze Electricity Out of Crystals
  • How Squids Outsmart their Predators
  • How Tornadoes Form
  • How to Track a Tornado
  • How Tsunamis Work
  • How Turtle Shells Evolved
  • How We See Color
  • How Whales Breathe, Communicate . . . and Fart with Their Faces
  • How X-rays See Through Your Skin
  • Humans Are More See-Through Than They Look
  • If Matter Falls Down, Does Antimatter Fall Up?
  • If Molecules Were People
  • If Superpowers Were Real: Body Mass
  • If Superpowers Were Real: Flight
  • If Superpowers Were Real: Immortality
  • If Superpowers Were Real: Invisibility
  • If Superpowers Were Real: Super Speed
  • If Superpowers Were Real: Super Strength
  • The Immortal Cells of Henrietta Lacks
  • The Incredible Collaboration Behind the International Space Station
  • The Insanely Painful Sting of the Bullet Ant
  • Inside the Amazing Octopus Brain
  • Inside the Ant Colony
  • Inside the Minds of Animals
  • Insights into Cell Membranes Via Dish Detergent
  • Invasive Species
  • The Invisible Motion of Still Objects
  • Is DNA the Future of Data Storage?
  • Is Fire a Solid, Liquid, or Gas?
  • Is Light a Particle or a Wave?
  • Is Space Trying to Kill Us?
  • Is Telekinesis Real?
  • Is There a Center of the Universe?
  • Is Time Travel Possible?
  • The Journey to Pluto, the Farthest World Ever Explored
  • Just How Small Is an Atom?
  • The Life Cycle of a Neutron Star
  • The Life Cycle of a Plastic Bottle
  • Light Seconds, Light Years, Light Centuries: How to Measure Extreme Distances
  • Light Waves, Visible and Invisible
  • Living with Less Water
  • The Loathsome, Lethal Mosquito
  • The Lovable (and Lethal) Sea Lion
  • Magical Metals, How Shape Memory Alloys Work
  • Mammoths vs. Mastodons
  • Meet the Frog That Barfs Up Its Babies
  • Meet the Tardigrade, the Toughest Animal on Earth
  • The Moon Illusion
  • The Most Groundbreaking Scientist You've Never Heard of
  • The Most Lightening-Struck Place on Earth
  • The Most Astounding Fact – Neil deGrasse
  • The Most Lightning Struck Place on Earth
  • The Most Radioactive Places on Earth
  • My Glacier Cave Discoveries
  • Nature's Smallest Factory: The Calvin Cycle
  • A Needle in Countless Haystacks: Finding Habitable Worlds
  • The Neuroscience of Pokemon Go
  • Newton’s 3 Laws, with a Bicycle
  • The Nurdles’ Quest for Ocean Domination (Plastics in the Ocean)
  • Origins of Gold
  • The Pangaea Pop-up
  • Parasite Tales: The Jewel Wasp's Zombie Slave
  • Pavlovian Reactions Aren't Just for Dogs
  • Penguins: Popularity, Peril and Poop
  • The Physics of the “Hardest Move” in Ballet
  • The Physics of Surfing
  • Poison vs. Venom: What's the Difference?
  • Proof of Evolution That You Can Find on the Body
  • The Race to Sequence the Human Genome
  • Radioactivity: Expect the Unexpected
  • A Rare, Spectacular Total Eclipse of the Sun
  • Reasons for the Seasons
  • RNAi: Slicing, Dicing and Serving Your Cells
  • Rosalind Franklin: DNAs Unsung Hero
  • Sally Ride on Dumb Questions
  • The Science of Skin
  • The Science of Skin Color
  • The Science of Smog
  • The Science of Symmetry
  • The Secret Language of Trees
  • The Secret Life of Plankton
  • The Secret Powers of Jellyfish
  • The Secrets of the X Chromosome
  • The Secret to Rising Sea Levels
  • Separation Techniques and Why They Matter
  • Seven Ocean Mysteries
  • Sex Determination: More Complicated Than You Thought
  • Should We Eat Bugs?
  • Should We Look for Life Elsewhere in the Universe?
  • The Single-Celled Organism That Almost Wiped Out Life on Earth
  • The Standard Model of Particle Physics
  • Solving the Puzzle of the Periodic Table
  • The Sonic Boom Problem
  • The Strengths and Weaknesses of Acids and Bases
  • Sunlight Is Way Older Than You Think
  • The Sun’s Surprising Movement Across the Sky
  • The Surprising Effects of Rewilding
  • The Surprising (and Invisible) Signatures of Sea Creatures
  • The Surprising Reasons Animals Play Dead
  • The Survival of the Sea Turtle
  • Symbiosis: A Surprising Tale of Species Cooperation
  • Synesthesia (Note: It’s the combination of two or more senses.)
  • Theory vs. Law: What’s the Difference
  • Three Different Ways Mammals Give Birth
  • Three Planets That Shouldn’t Exist
  • This Is Your Brain on Pain
  • Three Different Ways Animals Give Birth
  • Three Ways to Destroy the Universe
  • Turbulence: One of the Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of Physics
  • Twisting Tale of DNA
  • A Vanishing Island off the Louisiana Coast (Climate Change)
  • Visualizing Hidden Worlds Inside Your Body
  • Vultures: Heroes of the Ecosystem
  • The Wacky Story of Cell Theory
  • The Weird and Wonderful Metamorphosis of a Butterfly
  • The Weird, Wonderful World of Bioluminescence
  • What Is Dark Matter
  • What Are Gravitational Waves
  • What Are Meteors?
  • What Are Mini Brains?
  • What Are the Odds of Finding Intelligent Alien Life?
  • What Causes a Solar Eclipse?
  • What Happened to Antimatter?
  • What Happens When Continents Collide?
  • What If the Earth Stopped Spinning?
  • What If We Could Look Inside Human Brains?
  • What Is an Aurora?
  • What Is the Biggest Single-Celled Organism?
  • What Is the Coldest Thing in the World?
  • What Is Einstein’s Theory of Relativity?
  • What Is Entropy?
  • What Is a Fungus?
  • What Is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
  • What Is Invisible? More Than You Think
  • What Is Metallic Glass?
  • What Is Plasma?
  • What Is the Shape of a Molecule?
  • What Is the Universe Made of?
  • What Is Work? (Understanding Physical Laws)
  • What Light Can Teach Us About the Universe
  • What Outer Space Does to Your Body
  • What Percentage of Your Brain Do You Use?
  • What Would Happen If Every Human Suddenly Disappeared?
  • What Would Happen If the World Went Vegetarian?
  • What Would It Be Like to Live on the Moon?
  • What's Wrong with Our Food System
  • What You Can Learn from an Ancient Skeleton
  • When Is Water Safe to Drink?
  • When Will the Next Ice Age Happen?
  • When Will the Next Mass Extinction Occur?
  • Where Does Gold Come From?
  • Where Do Genes Come From?
  • Where Have All the Honeybees Gone?
  • Where We Get Our Fresh Water
  • Which Came First: The Chicken or the Egg?
  • Who Won the Space Race?
  • Why Are Blue Whales So Enormous?
  • Why Are Earthquakes So Hard to Predict?
  • Why Are Fish Fish-Shaped?
  • Why Aren't We Only Using Solar Power?
  • Why Are Sharks So Awesome?
  • Why Are Sloths So Slow?
  • Why Are Some People Left-handed?
  • Why Are There So Many Insects?
  • Why Be Skeptical? (of Scientific Studies)
  • Why Can't We See Evidence of Alien Life?
  • Why Do Animals Form Swarms?
  • Why Doesn’t Anything Stick to Teflon?
  • Why Does the Sun Really Shine?
  • Why Do Humans Have a Third Eyelid?
  • Why Do Mirrors Flip Vertically but Not Horizontally?
  • Why Don’t Ants Get Stuck in Traffic?
  • Why Don’t Perpetual Motion Machines Ever Work?
  • Why Do We Age?
  • Why Do We Cry? The Three Types of Tears
  • Why Do We Harvest Horseshoe Crab Blood?
  • Why Do We Pass Gas?
  • Why Do We Wrinkle When Wet?
  • Why Do Whales Sing?
  • Why Is Cotton in Everything?
  • Why Is Glass Transparent?
  • Why Is NASA Sending a Spacecraft to a Metal World?
  • Why Total Solar Eclipse Is Such a Big Deal?
  • Will Future Spacecraft Fit in Our Pockets?
  • Will the Ocean Ever Run Out of Fish?
  • Will We Ever Be Able to Teleport?
  • Would You Move to Mars?
  • Would You Weigh Less in an Elevator?
  • You Are Your Microbes

social studies

  • Actually, the World Isn't Flat
  • The Ancient Origins of the Olympics
  • The Arctic vs. the Antarctic
  • Are Ghost Ships Real?
  • The City of Walls: Constantinople
  • The Dangerous Race to the South Pole
  • A Day in the Life of an Ancient Athenian
  • A Day in the Life of a Roman Solider
  • Democracy: A Short Introduction
  • Did the Amazons Really Exist?
  • Did Ancient Troy Really Exist?
  • The Difference Between the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and England Explained
  • The Egyptian Book of the Dead: A Guide to the Underworld
  • The Fascinating History of Cemeteries
  • The Five Major World Religions
  • From Slave to Rebel Gladiator: The Life of Spartacus
  • A Glimpse of Teenage Life in Ancient Rome
  • Greeting the World in Peace
  • The Hidden Meanings of Yin and Yang
  • The History and Genghis Khan
  • The History of Japan
  • The History of Marriage
  • The History of Saint Patrick
  • History vs. Augustus
  • History vs. Che Guevara
  • History vs. Christopher Columbus
  • History vs. Cleopatra
  • History vs. Henry VIII
  • History vs. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • History vs. Vladimir Lenin
  • How Did Dracula Become the World’s Most Famous Vampire?
  • How Did Polynesian Wayfinders Navigate the Pacific Ocean?
  • How Do You Decide Where to Go in a Zombie Apocalypse? (Geography)
  • How Magellan Circumnavigated the Globe
  • How Much Food Can You Buy for $5 Around the World?
  • How the Normans Changed the History of Europe
  • How North America Got Its Shape
  • How to Make a Mummy
  • Incredible History of China’s Terracotta Warriors
  • Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars
  • It's a Church. It's a Mosque. It's Hagia Sophia
  • Learn to Read Chinese with Ease
  • Legend of Annapurna
  • The Life of an African Revolutionary
  • The Most Successful Pirate of All Time
  • The Murder of Ancient Alexandria’s Greatest Scholar
  • The Myth Behind the Chinese Zodiac
  • The Origins of Russia
  • Overpopulation: The Human Explosion Explained
  • The Paradox of Value
  • The Past, Present, and Future of the Bubonic Plague
  • The Pharaoh That Wouldn’t Be Forgotten
  • The Philosophy of the Buddha
  • The Population Pyramid
  • The Rise and Fall of the Assyrian Empire
  • The Rise and Fall of the Byzantine Empire
  • The Rise and Fall of the Inca Empire
  • The Secret Messages of Viking Runestones
  • The Secret Student Resistance to Hitler
  • The Silk Road: Connecting the Ancient World Through Trade
  • The Tale of Sunken Cities
  • Terra Cotta Warriors
  • This Is Sparta
  • The United Nations
  • Urbanization and the Evolution of Cities Across 10,000 years
  • The Wars That Inspired Games of Thrones
  • What Are the Universal Human Rights?
  • What Can You Learn from an Ancient Skeleton?
  • What Determines the Value of Money?
  • What Did Democracy Really Mean in Athens?
  • What Does It Mean to Be a Refugee?
  • What Gives a Dollar Bill Its Value?
  • What Happens When Continents Collide?
  • What History Lies Beneath the Sea?
  • What Is Power?
  • What Is the Tragedy of Commons?
  • What Makes the Great Wall of China So Extraordinary?
  • What Really Happened to the Library of Alexandria?
  • What’s So Great about the Great Lakes?
  • What’s So Special About Viking Ships?
  • Where Do Superstitions Come From?
  • Where Did Russia Come From?
  • Who Built Great Zimbabwe and Why?
  • Who Built the Pyramids?
  • Who Was Confucius?
  • Who Was Voltaire?
  • Why All World Maps Are Wrong
  • Why Can’t We Just Print More Money to Pay Off Debt?
  • Why Cultural Exchange Matters
  • William the Conqueror
  • World War II: Why It’s So Important 70 Years Later


  • The Psychology of Accents
  • The Real History of Cinco de Mayo

special education

  • ADHD: Finding What Works for Me
  • Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity
  • The Fascinating Reason That Children Write Letters Backwards (blog post)
  • How Braille Was Invented
  • A New Way to Diagnose Autism
  • The Psychology of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Toward a New Understanding of Mental Illness
  • What Does This Symbol Actually Mean?
  • What Is Bipolar Disorder?
  • What Is Dyslexia?
  • What Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?
  • Was Leonardo da Vinci Dyslexic?

u.s. history

  • America's Native Prisoners of War
  • Bad Romance Parody: Women's Suffrage
  • The Breathtaking Courage of Harriet Tubman
  • The Contributions of Female Explorers
  • The Courage of Harriet Tubman
  • Democracy: A Short Introduction
  • A Digital Reimagining of Gettysburg
  • Does Your Vote Count? The Electoral College Explained
  • The Exceptional Life of Benjamin Banneker
  • The Fight for the Right to Vote in the United States
  • Gerrymandering: How Drawing Jagged Lines Can Impact an Election
  • The Historical Audacity of the Louisiana Purchase
  • The Historic Women’s Suffrage March in Washington
  • Historical Role Models
  • History of the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • History vs. Andrew Jackson
  • History vs. Christopher Columbus
  • How the Berlin Wall Fell
  • How Does Impeachment Work?
  • How Do U.S. Supreme Court Justices Get Appointed?
  • How One Piece of Legislation Divided a Nation (Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854)
  • How to Turn Protest into Powerful Change
  • How to Understand Power
  • How We Conquered the Deadly Smallpox Virus
  • The Infamous and Ingenious Ho Chi Minh Trail
  • Inventing the American Presidency
  • The Liberties Originally Omitted from the Constitution (The Missing Bill of Rights)
  • The Oddities of the First American Election
  • The Making of the American Constitution
  • The Missing Plague That Could Have Changed History (New World Colonization)
  • The Moral Dangers of Non-lethal Weapons
  • Neil DeGrasse Replies to Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
  • The Oddities of the First American Election
  • The Past, Present and Future of the Bubonic Plague
  • The Story Behind the Boston Tea Party
  • A Three-Minute Guide to the Bill of Rights
  • The True Story of Sacajawea
  • Ugly History: The 1937 Haitian Massacre
  • Ugly History: Witch Hunts
  • An Unsung Hero of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Upside of Isolated Civilizations
  • The Watergate Scandal: United States vs. Nixon
  • What Happened to Trial by Jury?
  • What Is McCarthyism? And How Did It Happen?
  • What Is an Executive Order?
  • What Is Power?
  • What You Might Not Know About the Declaration of Independence
  • Why Is the Constitution So Hard to Amend?
  • Why Wasn’t the Bill of Rights Originally in the Constitution?
  • World War II: Why Is It So Important 70 Years Later?