Elementary education plan

director of elementary education

stage 1:

Technology Distribution:

  • Notification - On April 20, principals will contact families that requested technology to arrange pick-up times.

  • Distribution - On April 22, Chromebooks will be distributed at each school. Additional distribution days will be scheduled as needed.

stage 2: (week of April 27, 2020 - June 9, 2020)

Planned Instruction:

  • All learning will be online, and students are expected to participate.

  • Teachers will provide activities / assignments aligned to the PA Core Standards according to the established board approved curriculum pathway for each grade level.

  • Students should log onto Clever or Google Classroom daily where teachers will post activities.

  • Clever is the hub where apps are located including Google classroom.

  • Prior to the last day of school, all students were given their own log on information for Clever and Google Classroom.

  • Parents are encouraged to reach out to their child’s teachers with any questions.

  • All teachers will have office hours Monday - Friday.

  • During office hours, teachers are available to answer questions by email.

  • All teachers will notify parents and students of their office hours through Google Classroom.

  • All emails and questions are expected to be answered within 24 hours.

Daily Schedule:

    • Daily Schedule for April 27- June 9, 2020: Monday - Friday.

          • 8:10 - 8:20 AM - Teachers will post a daily morning message for students, Monday - Friday.

          • 8:25 - 9:05 AM - Teacher instructional planning period, Monday - Friday.

          • 9:10 - 9:55 AM - Reading / English Language Development (ELD) / Writing. Zoom sessions, Google Meet, Google Classroom, etc.

                  • Planned instruction / activities

          • 10:00 - 10:55 AM - Mathematics / Science (Wednesdays). Zoom sessions, Google Meet, Google Classroom, etc.

                  • Planned instruction / activities

          • 11:00 - 11:40 AM - Lunch

          • 11:45- 12:30 PM - Intervention Time with Specialists - Zoom sessions, Google Meet, Google Classroom, etc.

                  • Intervention Time - Planned instruction / activities provided by specialists.

                  • Specialists - English Language Development (ELD), Title 1, Special Education & Gifted teachers. Zoom sessions, Google Meet, Google Classroom, etc.

          • 11:45 - 12:30 PM - Non Specialists - This time is to be used to provide additional planned instructional activities in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Specials.

          • 12:35 - 1:30 PM - Google Meet, Zoom - Sessions with administrators, coordinators, curriculum development, committee work, & professional development as needed.

          • 1:30 - 2:25 PM - Office hours Monday - Friday

  • Monday

        • AM- Reading / * ELD / Writing / Mathematics

        • PM * Intervention Time/Specialists

  • Tuesday

        • AM- Reading / * ELD / Writing / Mathematics

        • PM * Intervention Time/Specialists

  • Wednesday

        • AM- Reading / * ELD / Writing / Mathematics / Science

        • PM * Intervention Time/Specialists

  • Thursday

        • AM- Reading Social Studies / * ELD / Writing / Mathematics

        • PM * Intervention Time /Specialists

  • Friday

      • AM * Specials Activities (9:15-11:00)

      • PM Specials Activities (11:45-12:30)

  • Specialist should plan to work collaboratively during Reading / Math / planned instruction with the general education teachers.

  • * ELD - English Language Development

  • * Specials Activities - Music, Art, & P.E.

  • * Intervention Time - Specific planned instruction is provided by specialists.


  • Effective April 27 - June 9, 2020 all teachers and building administrators will continue to be available via email weekdays: 8:10 AM to 2:25 PM for any students / parents / guardians with questions.

  • Special Education Department

      • All questions regarding elementary programming should be emailed to michel.hughes@ssdedu.org

      • All students / parents/guardians are encouraged to email their teachers or building principal directly with specific questions.

  • ELD Department Scroll down for a complete list of supports & language guide contacts.

      • All teachers will have office hours Monday - Friday.

                • During office hours, teachers are available to answer questions by email.

                • All teachers will notify parents and students of their office hours through Google Classroom.

                • All emails and questions are expected to be answered within 24 hours.

  • When the supplementary computer program is ready and training has been completed, Odysseyware may be incorporated.


  • Emilia may be reached at # 570-335-6942 or @ emilia.ogozalek@ssdedu.org

              • Monday - Friday from 8:00AM - 2:45PM

  • Isnerva may be reached @ isnerva.gonzalez@ssdedu.org

              • Friday from 8:00AM - 2:45PM

Grading (Beginning April 27, 2020):

      • Assessments will be formative and designed as PASS/FAIL.

      • Assessment data will be used to assist with student learning and understanding.

      • Students that participate consistently will receive a passing grade.


      • Student participation is expected.

      • Attendance & participation will be logged daily.

      • A log must be kept by all staff that documents daily attendance and participation.

Non Responsive ~ Contact:

      • Teachers will make 3 attempts to contact families.

      • School administrators and clerks will assist teachers with contacting families through the One Call system.

      • Language guides will be available weekdays to assist with contacting families.

      • Parents are reminded to utilize the educational resources listed on the district’s webpage, www.scrsd.org