About Us

The library is situated across two floors and has designated space for reading rooms for 218 students and research section for faculty members along with reprographic facility. 

The library adds new titles in its collection on regular basis and the total number of books in the library is 25,488. In addition, the library subscribes to 56 magazines and journals of national and international repute and 14 national and business newspapers.  The library made purchases in the field of business communication, computer science, economics, finance, human resource management, marketing and other related areas during the year to enhance the knowledge of the students by exposing them to a greater variety of books and periodicals on their respective subject. 

Apart from the print resources, teaching and research is also supported by accessing the large number of electronic resources i.e. Electronic Journals, Reports, and Case Studies through Delhi University Library Network including 02 Federated/Common Search Engines namely JCCC and Knimbus, 10 Reference & Citation Sources, 06 Bibliographic Sources, 02 Citation Analysis Resources namely, Scopus and Web of Science and other full text databases in the field of Management Studies and Computer Science etc. 

The library has an Institutional membership of Developing Library Network (DELNET);  N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content) and NDL (National Digital Library). Its databases are accessible through worldwide web which provides access to E-books and E-journals. In addition, the library has provided current contents service: Articles published in print journals available in the library.

The library is fully automated through KOHA cloud which enables easy access of the library catalogue from anywhere anytime. Students, Faculty and Staff members can easily check the status of the library resources by accessing the Online Public Access Catalogue that supports advanced search strategies with displaying enhanced catalogue using content from Amazon, Google, and Library Thing etc. 

To enhance the Cashless environment, library is maintaining proper late fines on respective title of each and every student and generating reports from KOHA as well. It gives the clear picture of students’ library account and adds transparency to the library system.

Library has Hindi Literature books and a separate section of books for Economically Weaker Section Students. 

In addition, all the library resources are barcoded and software has been installed at the check desk for analyzing the foot falls of students visiting the library.