Dance Syllabus

Your student is currently enrolled in the Monte Vista High School Dance Program in one of the following class levels: 

All dance classes are UC approved and can be taken for P.E. or Fine Arts Credits toward graduation requirements.  

**Freshmen can only take this class for Fine Arts Credits**

The Monte Vista Dance Program is an opportunity for students to explore their creativity and continue to pursue their passion for dance.  Students in all of our dance classes will learn many aspects of putting on a show including choreography, costume design,  lighting design, directing, and performing.  Our multifaceted program offers our dancers a wide variety of dance styles and performance opportunities. 

Grading Scale

Basis of Grade

Grades will be based on degree of student engagement throughout both physical and intellectual activities                          and  will be weighted as follow:

Classwork (60%) Rehearsals and Performances (40%) 


By its nature, most dance coursework is done IN CLASS. Daily points will be earned by meeting the class expectations below.

1. Be Present

2.  Be On Time:

3.  Be Respectful:  This includes. . . 

-    Respecting the teacher, other students, class spaces and materials

-    Listening to and following instructions

-    No use of cell phones or other electronics, unless requested by teacher for a class activity.

     -     No consumption of food, gum, or beverages during class time. (Water is ok!)

4.  Participate In All Activities To The Best Of Your Ability:  This includes. . .

Following Directions and staying together with the class as we work through activities.

-  Participating in a variety of activities with a willing and open attitude.

-  Working with the teacher to adapt activities as necessary and when possible, in the case of illness or injury, to allow for uninterrupted education.  Please see page on Illness and Injury for more info.

5. Be Prepared to Participate in Your Dance Uniform:  

In accordance with CA Ed Code, students are expected to change into a standardized 

PE “uniform” for hygiene, safety, and movement efficiency purposes. 

6. Complete and submit all class assignments:  

Dancers will be given several written and performance based assignments throughout the year that they will be given time in class to complete.  Occasionally, students will need to complete these assignments at home and submit them in class the following day or week.  There will be a combination of individual work and group work assigned throughout the semester.  

Students may choose to bring their own uniform items as outlined below 

OR  a DANCE Uniform is available for purchase through the MVHS Future Fund site, if preferred:


All dancers will participate in our Fall and Spring Shows.  Dance Company will also perform in the SRV Benefit Show, for a total of 3 shows. Dance is a co-curricular class and much of the final grade will be determined upon the participation and execution after school in our mandatory rehearsals and shows. 

Points are earned for:



Locker Room Policies

The locker room rules are in place and enforced for the safety and security of all students.


Use of Nearby Trails, Parks, and Walkways

The Physical Education Department feels use of the nearby trails and walkways (e.g. Oak Hill Park and surrounding trails, Los Cerros Trail, etc.) is beneficial to our students. All classes will be supervised by an instructor while off site.  Students are expected to follow all school rules, traffic safety laws, and expectations while using Oak Hill Park.  It is expected that students are respectful models of our school, especially when using these public spaces. Student disrespect of these spaces and/or individuals sharing these spaces will result in serious consequences.

Student Support

Learn how student support works HERE

Student Support- Responsive Scheduling.pdf

Link to Mrs. Siegel's Student Support Offerings will be posted in schoology and on the bulletin board outside of the dance room.

Illness and Injuries

Ouch! I'm injured!  What now?

Students earn PE class credit for physically participating in class activities.  Most activities can be adapted to students’ specific needs to allow for uninterrupted physical education.  

In the very rare case that a student truly cannot participate in any modified form of physical activity during class time.  They will not earn course credit for that day(s), but will be given opportunity to complete the missed work, once well, as in the case of an absence.

Examples of Modified Activities:

Walking, Upper body exercises only, Lower body exercises only, No Use of Right Wrist, Stretching at the barre, Physical Therapy Exercises, and more!

With the guidance of Mrs. Mello, our sports med teacher, there are many other valuable resources we can use to monitor and allow for students to work on injury recovery during class time.  We can work together to make this a valuable experience for you student to work on their recovery, WHILE still earning credit for class!

Notes (Doctor OR Parent):


Acknowledgment of Course Policies - Students and Parents Sign Here!