
Live Oak Elementary School presents... 

The Egg-streme Endeavor of 2024!

This year's theme is "EGGStraterrestial EGGSplorers"

We are so excited to share an activity with you that will put your creativity and imagination into action! This is your opportunity to push yourself as a Golden Eagle and create something that you can truly be proud of and excited about! 

Here is how this activity will work: 

 1) Sign up using the Google Form to let me know that you are going to participate.

2) You will watch brief videos about gravity, different types of parachutes you can build and different ways you can secure your raw egg. 

3) Using what you have learned about making parachutes and the laws of gravity you will start to plan out your design! 

4) Then you get to do it! You create something that you can use to drop your egg without it breaking. 

5) Finally you get to record a video of your egg drop and see if you win! One winner for each category will be chosen from each grade. The categories are height, weight, and creativity.  Which means there will be 18 winners total! Each winner will be able to choose an item from scholastic that is $10 or less. See step 4 for more information. 


If you have any questions about this activity, please contact: 

Ms. Putvin (cputvin@srvusd.net