Extra Credit

Students can earn extra credit towards their PE grade(s) by completing extra laps on the daily runs and/or by attending our after school Wednesday & Thursday workout session(s).

Students enrolled in PE1 will earn 5 pts extra credit for each lap they complete after they achieve the running standard for the day within the alloted time given for students to complete their daily run.

Students enrolled in PE2 will earn 2 pts extra credit for each lap they complete after they achieve the running standard for the day within the alloted time given for students to complete their daily run.

Students can earn 10 pts extra credit by attending our after school workout session on Wednesday's from 2:10 - 3pm or our Thursday after school workout session on Thursday's from 2:10 - 3pm. In order to attend the after school workout sessions students must have a signed permission slip (see PDF below) for each session they intend to participate in. Students must dress in appropriate workout clothes and bring the completed permission slip with them to the fitness lab or yoga room and arrive no later than 2:10pm. Students who arrive after 2:10pm will not be allowed to participate. Permission slips are available in the boy's and girl's PE offices or by printing them below.