Steele Lane

Let me know if you are enjoying these videos. More are on their way. Feel free to email me at


Wake up you lazybone

And go and fetch the cattle

Wake up you lazybone and go and fetch the cows.

The cows are gone.

The sun is hot

I think I'll rest,

Till they come home.


RUNAWAY PANCAKE! Sing along on the parts you are able!

Here's a song we've done together!

We have had so much fun with this clapping game!

Enjoy it at home now! Are you able to keep up with it when it goes really fast?

Get up and move!

Sing along with Ms B. I'm making more for you to enjoy!

This was the third try to get this video taped. My pup decided she wanted to be in on the fun. She kept coming in to camera range, then she knocked the video recording device over!! I can publish the blooper if you want to see it. Let me know!

This is SuzieQ, the pup who wanted to get in on the fun!

This is one we've done in Grade 2 and 3, but Grade 1 kids are welcome to learn it!

We started doing this kinda recently, so here is a chance to learn it better!

At the beginning of this song, I remind you to sing as beautifully as you are able, and remind you about how to do that!

Mary Had a Little Lamb

Do you remember what 'fleece' is? In the video I'll remind you.

Dance to the fiddlers, dance to the fiddlers, dance to the fiddlers three!

Remember how much we love singing this?

Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye.

Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing!

Wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king