Proctor Terrace Strings

4th Grade Strings

Google Classroom: l5iigjo

5th Grade Strings

6th Grade Strings

Announcements for all strings!!!

April 7th 2020

I've sent invitations to students who are in the 4th grade strings class to join our Google Classroom. I'll post the invite code here soon, but look out for that email. I'm using your school emails, everyone should have one. 5th and 6th grade classes, I'll invite you soon. hopefully by the end of the day.

Our Google Classrooms will be shared with the other music teachers in our district, so if you don't see my name, or you see my name with a few other teachers, you're probably in the right place.

Also. if you don't have your instrument with you to practice, that's okay.. we'll have some general music concepts for you to explore, which will help you when you do have an instrument again.

April 5th 2020

I've only received completed questionnaires from 4 students. If you know any other Proctor Terrace Strings, please let them know about it.

March 30th 2020

Hi Strings!

Lets check in with a few questions. Please click here to complete the Questionnaire