Counseling Office FAQs

Who do I contact if I need a copy of my transcript?

Please contact Aida Rodriguez at or call at 805-525-4400 ext. 22003

How do I apply for a work permit?

How can I apply for a work permit?

Print form, fill it out and turn it in to Vanessa Chavez:

You can send a picture of the filled out permit if you cannot drop it off on campus. 

Can I apply for college if I am undocumented?

YES!! Click this  link for more information: California Dream Act  

Can I apply for financial aid if I am undocumented? 

Yes! Under the law AB 540, certain non resident students are exempt from paying non resident tuition. 

Please click here for more information: AB 540 Nonresident Tuition Exemption 

Financial Aid for Dreamers

Application deadline for all Dreamer Cal Grants and most of the other aid listed above is March 2.

Dreamer Cal Grants include

A Dreamer Cal Grant application = CA Dream Act Application + Non-SSN GPA

You must meet the application deadline and all applicable eligibility requirements to qualify for any financial aid listed above.

Get help on your application at a Cash for College Workshop in your area.

What can I do if I am behind in credits? 

Contact your counselor as soon as possible. They may assign you a class on CyberHigh. Cyber High is an online program where you are able to take online courses and complete work at your own pace.