The Centre for Spiritual Learning

 An Initiative to Strengthen the Young Minds

Embark on this transformative journey with us with a mission to create resilient, ethical and empowered individuals. Embrace 'Bodhi' as a guiding force in the journey of self-discovery and growth.

Affirmation of the month

Discernment of purpose (April)

I have a purpose, and my actions make the world better.

Quote of the month

"Be like the ocean, calm but deep"

The ocean is a powerful force of nature, but it can also be calm and serene. The quote suggests that we should strive to be like the ocean, finding strength in our calmness.

Article of the Month

Importance of spiritual education in school

The article argues for spiritual education in schools. The author believes religious scriptures offer valuable life lessons but are often ignored until later in life.  They criticize current methods of learning about religion through media or religious institutions, which  focus on stories over core principles. The author proposes including spiritual teachings in the school curriculum alongside subjects like Yoga, emphasizing philosophy over religious conversion. They believe this would provide young people with a moral compass and help them navigate challenges like academic pressure and heartbreak.

Facilities and Services 

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Activities and Events 

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Human Library, Books, Videos, Podcasts & Music

 Be a Spiritual Facilitator

If you are interested in leading an activity in the  Centre of Spiritual Learning, please fill in the intent form. The link for the same is given below. Feel free to contact the Coordinator for any query regarding the same. Name_of_Coordinator, in Room/Block or at