Habits of Work

Habits of Work for Mrs. Lefebvre Looks like…

Preparation for Learning

Student regularly completes assignments and is prepared for class with all the necessary materials.

  • Arriving to class on time

  • Bringing a planner to class

  • Bringing a pencil to class

  • Bringing a Math folder or binder to class

  • Always having something to read

  • Bringing a water bottle to class

  • Having an iPad that is fully charged and ready to be used

  • Completing homework assignments and bringing assignments to class on assigned date

Engagement with Learning

Student uses time effectively, takes initiative, asks questions, and actively contributes to the class.

  • Being on task during class

  • Entering the room quietly and finding assigned seat

  • Reading and starting the board activity immediately

  • Paying attention and following along with teacher or other students

  • Engaging in classroom activities without prompting

  • Making a genuine effort when completing tasks

  • Utilizing provided class time to complete work

  • Asking for assistance when needed

  • Meeting group expectations when working on group tasks

  • Using the bathroom / getting a drink before class starts or waiting for an appropriate work time to ask to leave the room

Interaction with Peers & Teachers

Student’s language and behavior is respectful of others and student interacts regularly in a way that is contributing to a positive and productive learning environment.

  • Speaking to teachers and peers with respect

  • Behaving towards teachers and peers with respect

  • Behaving in a manner that does not distract others from learning

  • Raising your hand and waiting to be recognized before speaking

  • Staying quiet while adults or other students are speaking

  • Behaving in a manner that does not threaten the safety of others

  • Entering through the “In” door and leaving through the “Exit” door