Google Classroom

Tip: Before you begin a new year with Google Classroom you want to make sure that you clean up your classes from last year. This removes clutter for you and your students!

Google Classroom can be even more powerful with a few tips and strategies to make it efficient and effective.

Google Classroom streamlines the management of student work — announcing, assigning, collecting, grading, giving feedback and returning. It has certainly saved many teachers hours of work.

Without a solid workflow and some strategy, grading digital work can be cumbersome. Google Classroom does make working with student work more efficient — but only if you understand how Classroom works and how to use it to your advantage.

Tips for Teachers

Google Classroom has improved vastly over the years, and teachers have learned how to make the most of this flexible assignment manager and communication hub.

Members of the Shake Up Learning community were asked to share their favorite Google Classroom tips. You can find them here:

15 Google Classroom Tips for Teachers

Google Classroom Cleanup

This video walks you through 5 tips for cleaning up your classrooms including: Returning student work, un-enrolling students,archiving your classes, removing old calendars, and organizing your Google Drive folder

Table of Contents

Getting Started with Google Classroom

Creating your first class

What's in my classroom?

In your Classroom you have 4 sections:

Create assignments

When creating assignments you have the option to create ones for your whole class, a copy for each student or individual students. You can attach docs, files, videos and can schedule the assignments to arrive at a later date and time. Naming conventions are critical for future organization, so naming your files as "#+3 digits+assignment name" is the recommended format. Check out the video for more.

Tech Tip: Assignment organizational tips from Shake Up learning  (these are suggestions, but choose only what works for you!)

Use topics for better organization

Creating topics is like having your course divided into modules and can help you with organization. When you create topics, you will need to post something under the topic before your students see the topic. You can re-organize your topics after they have been created. 

Tech Tips: 

Posting to the classroom Stream

The Stream is a place where you can post announcements and share class information with students. You can also enable student comments so that students can respond to a question posted by you, respond to each other or ask questions themselves. Keep in mind that monitoring becomes important when you enable student posting to the whole class :-)

Managing your Classroom notifications

Google Classroom notifications can be helpful or overwhelming - completely depends on the person and how y set up your notifications. This video will take you through managing the notifications in a way that works best for you. This is for teachers - students should check the Student Resources section of this website and parents should check the Parents page.

Organizing your classes (move, copy, archive & delete)

You can move, copy, archive and delete your Google Classrooms. This video shows you how to use some of these organizational tools

Add a comment bank to use when giving feedback

As teachers we frequently use consistent comments when giving feedback. In Google Classroom you can create a comment bank and pull your comments from there when giving feeback to your students.

Use “Questions” in Google Classroom to create online discussions 

In this tutorial, we are looking at how to create a discussion board in Google Classroom.

Did you know that Google reads every piece of teacher feedback ? If you have feedback on things that could improve your Google Classroom experience. click on the "?" icon in your classroom and provide Google with your suggestion(s).

Best Practices

Bonus Tips