Daily Routines FAQs

I expect students to go to their lockers between classes and not when they come to my classroom.  Students should not come to my class asking to use their lockers.

Students may go to the cafetorium or report directly to their first-period teacher if it is after 7:20 am.

Students should come in, put phones on the phone organizer, make sure they have a sharpened pencil and/or a functional blue or black pen, take their seat, and place subject-specific notebooks, homework, and reading materials on their desks. Do-Now should be worked on until the teacher calls for attention from everyone.

Students will come in and sign in at the tardy sheet when they come in to reduce disruptions to everyone that is on time.

Do-nows will be available every day on the back table near the entrance of the class.  Students will usually be tasked to find and fix 10 grammatical errors in a short paragraph related to the day and/or material in the unit we are covering.

Students will make their way to their first period when the warning bell rings.

As per school policy, students are expected to put all electronic devices away in a bag or backpack prior to entering the classroom. They must remain away for the entire duration of the period.  Should a teacher see a personal device out during class, they will send a conduct report to school administration and it will be addressed under the code of conduct.

School-provided Chromebooks will be a regular part of class.  However, they should remain stored away in a student’s backpack or under their desk until the teacher invites them to use them as part of the activities or lessons.  Devices should not be used as entertainment or a distraction from the lessons.

Students may sharpen their pencils before the teacher asks for attention after the Do-Now activity and attendance.  If there is an active lecture or lesson, students should wait until independent or group work time.

Students can find most supplies in the Student Resource Center on the left side of the front of the room.  There is a student stapler, pencils and pens, lined paper graph paper, scrap paper, paperclips, and more as supplies last.

Anything in the Student Resource Center can be borrowed and returned at any time during Do-Now time, and independent/group work time.

Like borrowing supplies or sharpening pencils, students should do so during Do-Now or independent/group work time, or at the end of class on the way out to their next period.

Homework is due in class at the beginning of the period.  Students should wait until the teacher gives specific instructions; late work (due to absences or other extenuating circumstances) should be turned in directly to the teacher in their inbox at the teacher’s desk as soon as possible.

Electronic assignments should be submitted via Google Classroom (or other online learning sites) at the deadline posted.

New assignments (with deadlines) will be indicated in the front of the room on the objective and assignment area.  Students may jot down assignments at any time onto calendars, notebooks, or homework pads.

Movement around the classroom should happen at the beginning of class, during independent/group work time, or at the end of class.  It should have a purpose that is not meant to be distracting to self or peers nor should it put anyone in physical harm.

Bathroom breaks should be held until independent/group work time.  Students should not make it a habit to leave class more than twice a week, nor be out of the room for longer than 9 minutes.  Class time is valuable and cannot be made up.  Missing lectures or work will result on more responsibility for the student missing class outside of class time.

Students should seek permission from their teacher whenever they need to leave class; if leaving at a certain time will result in the direct loss of learning and/or direct instruction, a teacher will ask a student to wait. Students should check in via Turnstile at restrooms, guidance, and the nurse’s office. Failure to follow this procedure may result in a class cut.

Students should not be using class time for water fountain visits unless there is an emergent situation or medical or educational plan-based need.  Water bottles may be brought to class.

Students should not be using class time for water fountain visits unless there is an emergent situation or medical or educational plan-based need.  If a student needs water available, they should fill up between classes or during lunchtime.  Water bottles should not be on desks to avoid spills on classwork and/or electronic devices.

Food is not to be consumed in class to avoid the invasion of pests.  If students need to consume food for medical or educational plan-based needs, they need to exercise caution and clean up any mess.

Gum chewing is allowed.  Gum needs to be disposed of by spitting into a tissue or paper before throwing it in the trash can by the door.

Generally, jackets should be put in lockers when coming into school.  If a lighter coat or jacket is brought to class, please put it in the back of your seat when not worn.  Backpacks should be placed at students’ feet under their desks so they will not block aisles where people are walking.

Cellphones or portable electronic devices may only be charged in the Cell Phone Storage.  Electric outlets are first-come, first-served.

For student Chromebooks or laptops, students may utilize device charging areas at surge protectors indicated by the teacher.