Reasons to Get Coding

Everyone, students and adults alike should have the opportunity to learn computer science. We need to be prepared for advancements in technology. Just like toll booth collectors were replaced by EZ-Pass technology and subway token clerks were replaced by Metrocards, there will always be a need for people to create new technology, repair existing technology, and supervise how technology is incorporated and running on a day to day basis. These new jobs are more demanding, therefore our students need to have the skills to do these more highly advanced jobs.

Coding Teaches the Four C's

  1. Critical Thinking
  2. Collaboration
  3. Communication
  4. Creativity

Society needs citizens who have these skills in order to be productive. When students play video games or watch YouTube they are consumers of technology. The goal of Computer Science is for our students to become producers or makers.

If everyone is a consumer, no new products will come on the market, new breakthrough medications or surgeries will not be developed to save lives.

Citizens need to have these skills in order to move society forward.