Compliance Bundle Training

In order to meet the training requirements in Texas statue, SISD will utilize the online trainings offered by ESC 11. Each course is designed to take approximately 30 minutes or less.

Click on this link to navigate to the registration site, or visit ESC 11's homepage, click on "Professional Development," and then click on the "Compliance" icon on the bottom right-hand side of the page.

SISD Staff are required to complete 8 trainings and will receive 1 day (6 hrs) of comp time.

Required Compliance Trainings

  1. Bloodborne Pathogens
  2. Bullying Prevention
  3. Child Abuse & Maltreatment
  4. Teen Dating Violence & Abuse
  5. FERPA: Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act
  6. Sexual Harassment
  7. Suicide Prevention
  8. Texas Educators C0de of Ethics

Each of the eight courses listed will be available during training cycles. At the conclusion of the training cycle, your name will be submitted to ESC 11's Registration Office. A confirmation email that includes a link to a course evaluation will be emailed to the participant. The session will appear on the participant's ESC 11 transcript once the course evaluation has been completed.

If you have any questions about the Compliance Bundle Training, please contact:

Shane Strickland

Assistant Superintendent