Get Involved


Thank you for your interest in Mastery Week! We encourage everyone to get involved with the week from asking questions and starting robust conversations, to sharing resources and building your PLC to finding new tools and ideas.

Here are some ways that you can get involved:

  • Join our #masteryweek Twitter chat, hosted by KnowledgeWorks' Virgel Hammonds, on Wednesday 8/29 at 7pm ET.
  • Write an article on any of the sub-themes, featuring details on your school or organization's approach, best practices and ideas, and practitioner and student voices.
  • Interview someone that you work around one of the sub-themes and publish a Q&A of the conversation.
  • Conduct a podcast or recorded interview on how assessment differs in a mastery-based environment, interviewing educators, leaders, and experts, if possible.
  • Send us your favorite resources, tools or articles (or a mini resource bank!) so we can feature them on Friday; also share via your own Twitter using the hashtag #MasteryWeek. You can also email them to us at; we will create a link for you and feature the resource as well!

Please reach out if you have any questions or ideas. We are always excited to talk to folks who are interested and engaged in mastery!