Jessica Jackson

Phone: 281-891-8124



Conference 7:30-8:30 AM

Contact Information

I am Springwoods Village Learning Commons' Library Media Specialist. I have taught for 19 years. My undergraduate was earned from Sam Houston State University with a focus on reading and writing. My Masters in Library Science was awarded from University of North Texas . I began teaching in Spring ISD in 2001 at Beneke Elementary teaching 2nd & 5th grade. I then spent time at Wells Middle School teaching World Cultures before returning to the elementary setting at Greenwood Forest Elementary in Klein. While in Klein I taught 5th grade ELA/SS then returned to middle school to teach 7th & 8th Pre-AP/GT ELA at Doerre Intermediate.

I look for fun ways to get students and teachers reading and writing. Incorporating these necessary skills in all subjects is a must in today's society. Many opportunities will arise to allow our Timberwolves time be Makers, Readers, Writers, and Explorers of books. You never know when an Escape Room or Scavenger Hunt will appear in the Library Commons. I love reading and discussing books with students; this allows us the ability to learn about new authors and books together.

I am married and have two beautiful children, Kara & Zach. They became Harris County Library Card holders June 2018. We have a dog, Gracey Happy who was a rescue from BARC. We enjoy reading, playing games, swimming, soccer, and visiting with family and friends.