Who needs to attend Summer Bridge 2022?

Parents and guardians have received emails form their home-campus with an invitation to register for this program based on two criteria: Credit Recovery and STAAR Exam Scores.

Please Click on the Drop down button for more information

STAAR Exams Failure & Credit Recovery

STAAR Exams Failure

Again, this program is designed to bridge the gap caused by this challenging school year. If your child was invited due to failing any STAAR exams, they have options as well.

Failed STAAR & course(s)

Ex: My son failed the Algebra 1 STAAR exam and their English 1 class. They will be enrolled in English1 for SB 2022. They will also be invited to retest during the testing week.

  1. If they participate in the Summer Bridge 2022 program, they will report to Westfield by 7AM on June 6th. They will report to their first pd class. Their 1st pd teacher will have their schedule (in this example, they will be assigned an Eng1 course.) They will sign in to their course via the chromebook provided by their teacher. When 1st period is over, they will have two options:

  1. Bus riders

    1. They will report to their next course. This will be an enrichment course where the student can continue their Eng1 course. When 2nd pd ends, they will report to 3rd, and 4th in which they will continue to work on the assigned coursework, in this case, Eng1. They will work on their assigned course (Eng 1) for the entire day. When they complete the course, they will report to the counselor, and the counselor will verify the completed coursework and will not have to report to Westfield HS UNTIL the STAAR RETEST they failed. They will await dismissal 1PM, and take the bus home.

    2. If they failed more than one class, they will report to those classes on their schedule, and work on them until completion. When they are done with ALL their assigned coursework, they will report to the counselor, the counselor will verify the completed coursework, and they will not have to report to Westfield HS UNTIL the STAAR RETEST. When the dismissal bell rings, they will go home on the bus.

  2. Car-riders

If they are only assigned ONE course for credit recovery, they will complete their 1st Pd. They are free to get picked up at Circle Drive, ONLY WHEN PARENT OR GUARDIAN ARRIVE. There is NO pick-up at the front of Westfield. Due to school safety, students are not permitted to wait outside. They will sit in a designated area inside WHS and wait for parent pick up. If a student has permission to walk home, the student can walk home. There will be no student allowed to wait or loiter anywhere on campus. If they have not finished the entire assigned course, they will continue to report to WHS until they finish this course. When they complete the course, they will report to the counselor, and the counselor will verify the completed coursework and they will not have to report to Westfield HS UNTIL the STAAR RETEST they failed.

Credit Recovery Only

This program is designed to bridge the gap between your child and his/ her graduating class. If your child received a failing grade for a course this school year (2021-2022), he/ she qualifies for the Summer Bridge 2022 (SB 2022) program. They will complete this course using the Edgenuity Platform. This is an online course. The student will sit in their assigned class and complete the course using an assigned chrome book. When they complete the course, they will receive credit.

Example: My son, failed World Geography second semester. They will be enrolled in “WG-2”.

1. If they participate in the SB2022 program, they will report to Westfield by 7AM on June 6th. They will report to their first pd class. Their 1st pd teacher will have their schedule. They will sign in to their course via the chromebook provided by their teacher. When 1st period is over, they will have two options:

a. Bus riders

i. They will report to their next course. This will be an enrichment course where the student can continue their WG-2 course. When 2nd pd ends, they will report to 3rd, and 4th where they will continue to work on the assigned coursework, in this case, WG2. They will work on their assigned course (WG-2) for the entire day. When they complete the course (this could take one week or more), they will report to the counselor, and the counselor will verify the completed coursework and he/she will not have to report to Westfield HS any longer and they are free to enjoy their summer. They will await dismissal 1PM, and take the bus home.

ii. If they failed more than one class, they will report to those classes on their schedule, and work on them until completion. When they are done with ALL their assigned coursework (again, this may take a week or two), they will report to the counselor, the counselor will verify the completed coursework, and they will ride their bus home during dismissal.

b. Car-riders

i. If they are only assigned ONE course for credit recovery, they will complete their 1st Pd. They are free to get picked up at Circle Drive, ONLY WHEN PARENT OR GAURDIAN ARRIVE. There is NO pick-up at the front of Westfield. Due to school safety, students are not permitted to wait outside. They will sit in a designated area inside WHS and wait for parent pick up. If a student has permission to walk home, the student can walk home. There will be no student allowed to wait or loiter anywhere on campus. If they have not finished the entire assigned course, they will continue to report to WHS until they finish this course. When they complete the course, they will report to the counselor, and the counselor will verify the completed coursework.

2. If they elect NOT to participate in the SB2022 program, they will have to take the course the next school year (2022-2023) along with any state-mandated recovery hours.

Only Failed the STAAR

Passed ALL their courses (2021-2022) BUT failed a STAAR exam,

The student does not have to attend the entire four-week program. They will report to WHS on the given retest date (Schedule follows). If they elect to attend the SB 2022 program, they will have to adhere to all SB expectations and be present for their enrichment course. They will receive a schedule June 6th.

If the student opts to NOT retest this summer

They will have the option to retest this Fall (2022). A supplementary course will be embedded in their 2022-2023 schedule.

Summer Bridge Retesting Schedule

21-June English 1

22-June Algebra 1

23-June English 2

24-June Biology & US History

Busses will be provided for these test dates. Please click on the link for bus schedules: Transportation schedule