Dr. Leroy Chiao

Keynote Speaker

Students at Bendwood School

2023 Dr. Dawn Wilson Teaching, Learning, and Research Symposium

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Participants engage in ARTEMiS lessons to inspire students through hands-on, inquiry, project-based learning. Participants will explore the artistry and meaning of patch designs and research to ignite curiosity about STEAM topics.   

2023 Dr. Dawn Wilson Teaching, Learning, and Research Symposium

ARTEMiS Adventures with Space Patches      

November 4, 2023

Conference for the Advancement of Science Teachers (CAST)

"Engineering the next Mars Advance Rover System: M.A.R.S.”

         November 11, 2023

Space Exploration Educators Conference (SEEC)


February 9, 2024

Texas Leadership Initiative for Inquiry Science Teaching Leadership Conference

June 15, 2023

Rice University

Mindfulness interventions have been found to be an effective strategy for managing stress and developing emotional regulation in students and teachers.  In this session, educators will learn techniques to develop the practice of mindfulness daily within their classroom. (Grades K-12)

"Building Bridges"

The main purpose of this presentation is to provide a framework to develop and cultivate family and school partnership among educational staff.  The main points in this presentation:

1) How to cultivate and sustain a positive relationship between staff and family;

2) Effective strategies to cultivate staff and family partnership in schools;

3) Importance of  a strong relationship between families and schools for academic success based on research.

Dr. Molly Nipper & Kimberly Glover

Western Regional Noyce Conference

"Inquiry 101"

This presentation will outline why inquiry is an essential tool for all teachers and what the four levels of inquiry are: confirmation, structured, guided, and open inquiry. Participants will experience an inquiry activity while learning strategies to implement inquiry at any level in their own classrooms. 

Kimberly Glover & Dr. Molly Nipper

Sacramento, CA      March 11, 2023

Space Exploration Educators Conference

"ARTEMiS:  Adventures with Space Patches" 

Dr. Molly Nipper & Logan Jaeren

Participants engage in Art, Research, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics In Space (ARTEMIS) lessons to inspire students through hands-on, inquiry, project-based learning. Participants will explore the artistry and meaning of patch designs. Research a real patch to develop guiding questions to ignite curiosity about space related STEM topics.

February 2023

Alana Bush and Molly Nipper

Marina Rodriguez, Kandice Melchor, and Molly Nipper

Rice University

"Building Bridges"  

February 20, 2023  Marina Rodriguez, Kandice Melchor, and Dr. Molly Nipper

October 15, 2022   Alana Bush & Dr. Molly Nipper

The presentation provided a framework to develop and cultivate family and school partnership.  We offered effective strategies from our personal experience for staff, schools, and districts to implement to improve family and school partnership.  Research-based studies from literatures on parental-involvement in schools and the relationship on students achievement was presented in the workshop. 

Rice University

Summer Inquiry Institute

"What is Inquiry"

Presented a workshop on Inquiry Science teaching.

July 2022

Space Exploration Educators Conference February 4, 2022

"Discover M.A.R.S.:  Mars mission on the Ancient Red planet Surface"

Hear from Mars expert on how the Curiosity rover helped scientists understand the surface of ancient environments preserved in the rock record on Mars.

Participants will engage in a “Solar Pizza” activity, investigate images on Mars and Earth, and explore the Curiosity rover in 3D. Lessons to ignite Curiosity in students.

Professional Leadership Conference

Conference for the Advancement of Science Teachers (CAST)

November  11-13, 2021

Educators and science advocates of all grade levels and disciplines collaborate, learn, and engage in science content relevant to TEKS in Texas.  Educators engage in conversations around relevant topics, discover innovative strategies and resources in science.

Space Exploration Educators Conference Virtual Conference 2021

Mindfulness can only be learned through experience. Teachers participated in attention building activities, focusing on the breath, sound, and body sensation. Mindfulness, we bring our senses to the present moment experience. Teachers will engage in mindful space quilt art exploring creativity through our sense of sight and touch. 

Professional Leadership Conferences 

Space Exploration Educators Conference (SEEC) Crew 2020-2021 Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

Western Regional Noyce Conference 2020, Portland, Oregon.