Student Council

Student Council is a student-run organization. We organize several events during the year, including Homecoming, The Big Day, and Mr. SHS, just to name a few. We have a StuCo retreat each February for all of Student Council, and those interested in Executive Board positions attend the Texas Association of Student Council convention each April.

Elections for 10th, 11th and 12th graders for the following school year are held each spring. Elections for freshmen are held in the fall semester of their freshman year. Certain requirements must be met to run. These are listed under leadership in the Student Handbook. Once the representatives are elected, officers are chosen from these students.

The Executive Board is chosen by the entire school and are members of the senior class.

Student Council Webpage

Student Council Calendar

Student Council Informational Sheet

Executive Board Email Address:

Meetings Days, Times, and Locations

Alternating Fridays during Spartan Time in Room 350. Check the calendar for specific dates.


Ms. Jackson

Room 236


Ms. Yonkin

Room 350


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