2024-25 Incoming 7th graders

Congratulations to our qualified 7th graders who are invited to join NJHS 2024-25! Application for joining is at the bottom of this page! Application is due FRIDAY, APRIL 12 BY 4:00 PM!

If you were not invited to join, the appeal process is below.

final list for posting 24.25.pdf

Requirements for Invitation to NJHS are below. Please let us know if you have any questions!

NJHS sponsors to email: Kim Moore and Meredith Pickett

7th graders will receive an invitation to join MMS NJHS in APRIL 2024!

Requirements for Invitation

MMS NJHS Appeals Process

If you were not invited to join NJHS, you may write an appeal. Not your parents. YOU write the appeal that you want to be considered for NJHS.

Please open our appeals process document, fill it in, and then submit it digitally to one of the sponsors, Kim Moore or Meredith Pickett. The sponsors will present your appeal to our Faculty Council who carefully review each appeal and make a final decision. Once the decision is made, the sponsors will notify you. The sponsors have no influence on the decision made by the Council. You have 10 days to appeal from the day the qualified list has been posted. This year's qualified list will be posted on April 5. Appeals are due by April 15.

Application for 2024-25

NJHS application 2024-25