Distance Learning

Structuring Time and Creating Routines

To be successful with distance learning students must structure their time in a way that best suits their learning styles. There might be a lot of flexibility in your current schedule so it’s very important that you create a routine to keep you focused throughout the day. Here are some important things to think about while creating your schedule:

  • Take regular breaks. During this time practice mindfulness that you’ve learned in school.

  • Make time to exercise.

  • Limit distractions by turning off social media and your cell phone

  • Write down daily and weekly goals.

  • Make time to socialize with friends and peers during your breaks or after your work.

  • Set aside blocks of time for each subject or class.

  • Do not procrastinate! You have a lot more freedom with your time, so make the most of it!

Sample Daily Routine

● 08:00 AM - Get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth, etc.

● 08:40 AM - Organize learning space, turn on computer/device, log into Google

● 09:00 AM - Review daily Google Classroom announcements from teacher(s) and get necessary learning materials (books, workbooks, etc.)

● 09:15 AM - Engage in learning activities for your morning classes and work on necessary assignments for those classes.

● 10:00 AM - Movement, snack break, and specials. Please check the sites of the special's teachers for activities in Art, PE, Technology, and Music. (the time of specials will vary for the different grade levels)

● 11:00 AM - Return to assignments

● 11:45 AM - Check Google Classroom and school email for any additional announcements and email your teachers any questions you have

● 12:00 PM - Lunch and movement (Take a walk. Ride your bike. Dance. Do jumping jacks. Run. Follow an online workout routine. Just move!)

● 1:00 PM - Engage in learning activities for your afternoon classes and work on necessary assignments for those classes.

● 02:00 PM - Take a quick stretch/snack break

● 02:15 PM - Return to assignments, keep working and don't forget to record your work.

● 03:00 PM - Summarize your learning in whatever way your teacher(s) have requested, and share your evidence/assignments online. Check Google Classroom and your school email one last time for the day.

An Important Reminder

● As a quick reminder, when you're online, be sure to follow the Sayles School technology Acceptable Use Policy and

○ Use respectful behavior and language.

Stick to appropriate topic discussions.

○ Send only appropriate transmissions.

○ Use only appropriate icon, emoji, and avatar submissions.

○ Be honest and do not plagiarize or copy others’ work -- in other words, use academic integrity.

○ Not falsify information about yourself or impersonate others online.