Permission forms

Student Travel Outside New Plymouth

While you are in New Zealand you will have several opportunities to explore places outside of New Plymouth. Some of these trips will be organised by the school and some of them will be with your host family. Regardless of what kind of trip you are taking, any time you plan to leave New Plymouth for an overnight stay or longer, you must discuss your plans with us and provide us with information. You must also get written permission from your natural parents and provide this to us.
Here is the form you need to complete. You can either make a digital copy of this form online and share it with us, or you can print it off and give us a hard copy.
Sometimes we will require a Transfer of Care document to be completed. This will be on a case by case basis and someone from the International Department will let you know if this applies to you at the time. Here is the document.
There will be some cases when we require further information from the person who will be your caregiver. If that is the case, this is the form that can be used.