Koru Programme 2024

"Growing thinkers and uncovering students' passions."

The Koru Programme is a student support, enrichment and extension programme for ākonga.  The unfolding Koru symbolises ākonga potential, growth, and constant movement. With the Koru Programme, ākonga will be placed with Pouāwhina who will support them with their academic/learning goals by ensuring they have individualised learning programmes, by tracking and monitoring progress and achievement (including ākonga well-being), and by liaising with whānau, staff, and the koru co-ordinator. 

This website is a platform to post information and resources for whānau and ākonga in relation to the Koru Programme.  Please have a look around and check in regularly.


Check out our Facebook group here:


Key People:

2024 Koru Co-Ordinator:

Mrs Rebecca Thomson  rth@spotswoodcollege.school.nz 

2024 Koru Pouāwhina / Learning Advisory Teachers:

Year 9 - Mr Daniel Cleland (9DCLmi) dcl@spotswoodcollege.school.nz

Year 9 - Ms Tracey Laurence (9TLRmi) tlr@spotswoodcollege.school.nz 

Year 10 - Mrs Rachel Smith (10RASmi) ras@spotswoodcollege.school.nz

Year 11 - Ms Rebecca McKerchar (11RMKma) rmk@spotswoodcollege.school.nz

Year 12 - Ms Madeline Brown (12MBRpa) mbr@spotswoodcollege.school.nz 

Year 13 - Mrs Rebecca Thomson (13RTHmo) rth@spotswoodcollege.school.nz