Learning & Teaching Expectations

1. We plan using the St Patrick's collaborative planning document (available to view by 8am Monday morning) and the St Patrick's School Expert Teaching Indicators (A-G) to prompt us to engage and motivate every learner . You can access the indicators with examples of practice at this link.

2. Every class should begin the day with a prayer. There are various forms for this, and our Faith and Community Team members can assist you.

3. All classes should be following the Cafe/ Daily 5 program, whereby a specific focus is delivered each week, and every student has an individual reading goal. Faith and Curriculum Team members can assist teachers who need support with this.

4. Our writing program is based on The Seven Steps to Writing Success. Please reference the scope and sequence for the introduction and maintenance of each of the steps: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D9De8YNJF5s4fta0oczMPTzaKspP3vGQjgzSFk0X4xo/edit

5. We have adopted the SMART spelling approach to ensure that there are no 'gaps' in the P-6 Spelling Program.

6. In maths, each level has an annual planner. These are added to our Learning Community pages for parent viewing.

7. Classroom schedules, newsletters, maths overviews, specialist timetables and curriculum overviews will be available on the Learning Community pages by the end of Week 2 each term. Please ensure settings are made public .

8. In RE, Writing, Maths, and Italian, Music, Art, Library and PE we are expected to display our learning intention/s and success criteria (for reading, students will have their own reading goal- these will be visible on your CAFE display) every week by 8:30am Monday morning. These should be visible to all, and referenced frequently.

9. Teacher planning will explicitly record evidence of differentiation and adjustments for students who have a diagnosed or imputed disability.

10. Circle Time is a relationship building practice that has a positive impact on groups who practice it regularly. Each class should be involved in a circle time activity at least once a week, and a mindfulness exercise at least once a week.

11. We know that worksheets and text books are rarely engaging nor motivating for students and they have told us this through various forums over the years. Occasionally they are the best choice for curriculum delivery, instead we source alternate ways for children to learn- consider project based learning , thinkers keys, cross-curriculum activities involving music, dance, RE, drama, literature, ICT, expert groups, student choice etc

12. LSOs (Learning Support Assistants) assist with children's learning within the classroom or in a withdrawn setting facilitating various programmes monitored by the Learning Diversity Leader. Within the classroom, LSO' s work under the direction of the classroom teacher.

13. Students have opportunities to be extended in their learning programmes supported by the Deputy Principal, LSOs and classroom teachers.