where i'm from 9/29/17

Where I’m From

I am from traveling the world, while eating different foods, looking at different sculptures, walking through different parks, and planning adventures with my friends.

I am from Camp Yachad, a travel camp, with trips like Virginia, Florida, New Hampshire and lots lots more, breakfast, lunch and dinner, it never gets old.

We have been on a plane and a bright white bus, when we came back the bus was not as bright.

Spending time with my friends at concerts, cities and parks, jumping around and having so much fun.

I am from cheerleading, blue and white uniforms, and shiny pom poms, sparkly bows with the letters SPF.

Yelling out cheers from the top of our lungs, counting off dances 1 to 8.

From Girls picking me up, throwing me as high as possible, gliding through the air could be so much fun.

I am from spiders and clowns, the things that make me scream the loudest, if I see something with eight legs I will zoom away and ask my dad to kill it while I scream instead of helping.

I don't enjoy clowns either, even though it’s just their face.

From having to look at their makeup isn't the best.

Their eyes and teeth can make me stay up at night, wherever I look I will see one in my face.

I am from the Brookside trail, made up of rocks and trees a stream of water passes ending at a waterfall.

Where I have so many memories that last a few years, where there is a little stream of water, a pipe there collecting the water as it passes, surrounded by cement where my friends and I could sit and gossip, where we laugh and throw rocks at the water.

I am from Florida, where all the good memories take place.

Waking up at 3 in the morning with best friends to get online for good rides in Disney, telling funny stories and playing some games while waiting for our turn for the great roller coasters with steep drops and sudden turns.

Walking almost ten miles a day, then finally coming home to a quiet hotel is the best feeling.

I am from the white, fluffy bunny named Stip and a black, white, and orange guinea pig named Maple, having to wake up every morning to give them both a carrot and refill their water bottles.

I am from birthdays spent with best friends and family.

Doing things I will never forget doing, going to New York and having sleepovers in my backyard, staying up till four in the morning watching scary movie.

I am from fantasizing with team 3, the three of us were best friends since we were little, about moving to California and buying a house that has five floors with huge living rooms and bedrooms.

A house with a large infinity pool and a backyard that could be used as a football field.

I am from going on road trips with my brother, for the past four years, our tradition is staying strong.

Smelling the fresh air of vermont, looking at the moose in Maine, tasting the salty air in Virginia beach, and freezing in Colorado while skiing and snowboarding.


The “Where I am From” poem is about all of the things that make my identity, like my family and friends. I described things that I tend to do a lot, the sports I play, the food I eat, and the people that surround me. One thing I did well with this project was describing the categories. I could improve on adding sensory details, i always have to remind myself too add some more detail. Something I like about my writing piece is the way I made things very exaggerated, either I made something sound very scary or extremely fun. For my next writing piece, a goal I would want to accomplish is to make sure i have a lot of sensory details in my writing so the reader could really get a feel of what is going on.