College and Career

Resources for College/Career Planning

myOptions is the nation’s largest free college and career planning program. We empower students to explore colleges and careers with free technology, advice, planning tools, and encouragement from family and educators, as they discover more about themselves on their journey through high school. Explore the right path for you with myOptions.

KY Stats Career Explorer
Career exploration tool built using publicly available data from the Kentucky Center for Statistics, O*NET Online, and the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Find out job availabilty, salaries, projections and more!

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Academic Readiness Options
Academic ready students will meet benchmark scores in one quantitative reasoning or natural sciences category AND one oral/written communication; visual and performing arts; humanities; or social and behavioral sciences category from a variety of options: 

Career Readiness Options
Career ready students will meet criteria by earning credit through one of the following options: 

For more information on career readiness, visit the Career and Technical Education Career Readiness webpage

College and Career Coach - Cindy Clyde


Meet the College and Career Coach and learn a little about what we are doing in the CCR office.