About Me

My name is Sarah Ackerman, and I am very excited to be the Business & Information Technology, as well as the Innovations teacher at Speedway Junior High School!

I graduated from Western Kentucky University in 2001 with a Bachelors degree in Marketing. After graduating college, I began a multiple year adventure in marketing and outside sales in the telecommunication and computer industries. Within my time with Virgin Mobile and Hewlett-Packard, I worked with large corporations marketing my devices and then training their employees on how to sell the devices at the consumer level.

While I thoroughly enjoyed my business career, what I loved the most was teaching my customers how to use the devices. After a few years of my heart continued pulling me towards a teaching career, I enrolled and completed the Master of Art in Teaching program at the University of Indianapolis. I am very passionate about technology and educating individuals on how the uses of technology can greatly affect lives.

In addition to teaching, I am honored to be married to my biggest supporter, Terry, and be the mother to two beautiful children, Will and Charolet.

Mrs. Sarah Ackerman | Room 103 | sackerman@speedwayschools.net | 317-244-3359 ext. 12103