
1.  會名


2. 會址


3. 宗旨

  a) 加強家長與學校和教師間之聯繫和合作,使家庭教育及學校教育得以相輔相成,增進教學效果。

  b) 商討家長與學校和教師間共同關注的問題,支持學校發展校務,合力改善及提高學生之福利。

  c) 促進家長與學校和教師間之溝通,協助學生身心健康發展。

  d) 促進會員之溝通了解,及為會員舉辦有益身心的活動。

4. 會員

  a) 教師會員:現任本校校監、校長及教師。

  b) 家長會員:就讀本校學生之家長或監護人,可申請成為家長會員,並須每年繳交會費。

  c) 若本校校監、校長及教師同時是本校學生家長或監護人,其身份仍屬教師會員。

  d) 個別家長會員如有若干名子女就讀本校,該會員就須繳付若干份會費 (每一名子女需繳交一份會費),而該會員擁有相應若干票次投票權

5. 會員之權利

  a) 家長會員有動議、和議、表決、選舉和被選舉為常務委員會委員的權利;而教師會員則只有動議、和議、表決和選舉權,並無被選為委員的權利。


  b) 所有會員均享有出席會員大會及參加本會舉辦一切活動之權利。

6. 會員之義務

  a) 所有會員均有義務出席會員大會、遵守會章及會員大會或常務委員會通過的決議。家長會員須繳付每年由常務委員會釐定的會員年費,教師會員則無須繳付會員年費。

  b) 除會員年費外,會員並無義務再向本會提供金錢資助。惟任何會員均可自願捐款予本會。

  c) 凡退會者,其已繳付之款項概不退還。


 d) 會籍以學生為單位,個別家長會員如有若干名子女就讀本校,該會員就須繳付若干份會費,而該會員擁有相應若干票次投票權。

7. 組織

  a) 本會由會員大會和常務委員會組成。

  b) 會員大會由全體會員組成,為本會的最高權力機構。在會員大會休會期間,本會的所有會務均由常務委員會處理。

  c) 常務委員會由不超過十二名家長會員及六名教師委員組成。

  d) 六名教師委員應於舉行週年會員大會前由校方委任,並且在會上確認。


 e) 常務委員會須於每屆週年會員大會前由應屆委員中,以互選方式選出兩名委員出任下屆委員,該兩名委員屬自動當選。


 f) 會員於週年會員大會中以票數最高者選出不超過十名家長委員,其餘依次成為候補委員。

 g) 常務委員會應於週年會員大會之後,儘快舉行首次會議,以互選方式選出以下委員(如超過一人票數相同,應再作另一次投選,以得票最多者當選。若票數仍然相同,則用抽籤決定)。

       i) 顧問(不多於三人):校長及不多於兩位由校方委任的前主席

       ii) 主席(一人):由家長委員出任,負責召開並主持會員大會及常務委員會會議,領導常務委員會推行會務的發展。

       iii) 副主席(二人):由教師委員及家長委員各一人出任,協助主席推動一切會務,如主席缺席時,得由家長副主席代主席職權。

       iv) 秘書(二人):由家長委員出任,處理一切會議紀錄及資料,準備有關會議議程。

        v) 司庫(一人):由家長委員出任,處理一切收支帳目,每年需將結算交予義務核數師審核,並提交會員大會通過。

       vi) 委員:家長委員不超過七人、教師委員四人,負責策劃及推行一切會務與各類有關聯誼、教育、康樂、學術及經驗交流等活動。

  h) 新一屆常務委員會選出後,須於十四天內召開新舊委員聯席會議,待一切職務移交妥當,舊常務委員會才告解散。

  i) 家長委員的任期均為一年,再獲選可連任。惟主席之總任期不得連續多於三年。

  j) 常務委員會有權委任任何會員為委員,以填補年中出現的空缺。

  k) 常務委員會有權為任何特定的目的,邀請任何人士擔任有關小組之顧問。

  l) 在同一屆任期內,同一家庭不可以有兩名成員出任常務委員會的委員。

  m) 常務委員會的所有工作人員均為義務人員。

8. 會議

  a) 週年會員大會:

    i) 週年大會每年最少應舉行一次,由主席負責召開。會上主席須就本會的一般會務作出報告,經司庫報告財政狀況後,大會須通過本會財務報告,並須舉行選舉,以選出下一任常務委員會委員。

    ii) 會員大會之法定出席人數為五十人或當年所有會員總數之百份之十,取其較小者為準。一切動議須得與會者過半數通過方可成為決議。決議以不違反大會宗旨為原則。

    iii) 如週年會員大會召開時,出席者於大會預定開始時間後三十分鐘仍未達法定出席人數,則會議須延期舉行,再次開會時將以出席人數為法定出席人數。

  b) 常務委員會:每年最少召開三次會議,每次出席會議之人數,最少為全體常務委員之半數。會議上一切決議須經出席者過半數同意,始能生效。

  c) 特別會員大會:特別會員大會可由主席或常務委員會召開,或由百份之二十五或以上本會會員聯名簽署提出列明討論某項事宜及列明學 生姓名及班別的書面要求後,由主席或常務委員會召開。主席或常務委員會接獲要求後,須於十四天內召開大會,而大會討論及表決之事項,只限於聯署信內所列明之各項。法定出席人數及通知會員出席會議之方法一如週年會員大會,但會議通告連議程可於會議召開前三天發出。

  d) 在上述的所有會議中,若贊成與反對的票數相同,則主席可多投決定性之一票。

9. 財務

  a) 本會可將本會的款項用於發展會務和支付各項開支。

  b) 司庫須於常務委員會的會議中,報告本會的財政狀況;並須制作該財政年度之收支結算表,經義務核數師核妥後,提交會員大會通過。

  c) 常務委員會應將本會所收到的全部款項,存放在一間指定的銀行。提取本會款項的所有支票均須由二人簽署(即由主席、家長副主席、司庫三人中其中一人,及校長、教師副主席二人其中一人簽署),方屬有效。

  d) 所有支出均須先得常務委員會批准,惟常務委員會可按情況需要,制定細則,規限某金額以下之支出,可於付款後,由常務委員會追認。

  e) 本會可接受一切以本會宗旨為目的之財政捐助。

  f) 常務委員會有權酌情決定從本會的款項中,撥出某些數目予學校,以供設立獎學金、獎項或其他用途。

  g) 本會如有欠債,則常務委員會的會員須負上責任。

  h) 本會之財政年度由每年九月一日至翌年八月三十一日止。

10. 核數


11. 修改會章/解散家長教師會

  a) 若要解散本會,須得出席週年會員大會或特別會員大會之三分二或以上會員通過。本會解散後,所餘資產須捐贈本校。

  b) 修改會章,須得出席週年大會或特別會員大會之三分二或以上會員通過。


12. 附則

  a) 有關學校行政事宜屬校方之決策,不在本會討論之列。

  b) 如家長、教職員與任何會員發生爭端,概由校方處理。

  c) 若此中文會章與英文會章的內容閳釋出現分歧,一切以中文會章版本為準。



The Chinese name of the Association shall be named as “聖保羅男女中學家長教師會” and the English name shall be named as St. Paul’s Co-Educational College Parent-Teacher Association” or abbreviated as “SPCCPTA”.


The address of the Association shall be No.33 MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong.


a) To strengthen communication, relationship and co-operation amongst the school, parents and teachers so as to compliment mutual assistance and success between home education and school education.  It shall also improve education efficiency.

b) To discuss issues concerned by parents, school & teachers.  To support development of school affair and to co-operatively improve and promote student welfare.

c) To enhance communication amongst parents, school and teachers.  To assist the mental and health development of students.

d) To enhance communication and understandings amongst members.  To launch beneficial activities for better health and mentality of members.


a) Teacher members :current School Supervisor, Principal and teachers

b) Parent members :parents/guardians of school students can apply for membership   and pay the annual membership fee.

c) Should the school Supervisor, Principal or any teacher is at the same time parent or guardian of any school students, his/her membership should be categorized as “teacher member”.

d) Should any parent member have several children who are students of the school, such member should pay one lot of membership fee and can have only one vote.


a) Parent members have the right to move, acquiesce, resolve, vote, elect and be elected as executive committee member.   Teacher member has the right to move, acquiesce, resolve, vote and elect but do not have the right to be elected as committee members.  

Note: The phrase “teacher members do not have the right to be elected” means teacher committee member shall be appointed by the school and shall not be elected in Members’ General Meeting.

b) All members are at liberty to attend Members’ General Meeting and participate in all activities organized by the Association.


a) All members have the responsibility to attend Members’ General Meeting, to obey Constitution and resolution passed by Members’ General Meeting or Executive Committee Members’.  Parent members shall pay the annual membership fee resolved by the Executive Committee each year.  Teacher members do not have to pay any annual membership fee.

b) Apart from paying annual membership fee, members have no responsibility to advance any financial assistance.  All members are at liberty to make voluntary donation to the Association.

c) Upon any resignation or discharge of membership, membership fee paid shall not be refunded.


a) The Association is organized by Members’ General Meeting and Executive Committee Members’

b) Members’ General Meeting is formed by all members which is the highest authority of the Association.  During the recess of the Members’ General Meeting, all business & affairs of the Association shall be conducted by the Executive Committee.

c) Executive Committee should be constituted by not more than twelve Parent Members and six Teacher Members.

d) Six Teacher Members shall be appointed prior to the Annual General Meeting and they shall be confirmed during Annual General Meeting.

e) Members shall during Annual General Meeting elect not more than twelve Parent Members who have obtained the highest number of vote, the remaining candidates shall stand as potential committee members on the waiting list in the order according to their number of votes obtained.

f) Executive Committee shall after the Annual General Meeting convene the first meeting as soon as possible.  They shall use the method of general election to elect the following Committee Members (if more than one person have obtained same number of vote, a second general election shall be conducted until a person who has obtained the highest number of votes shall be elected.  If the number of votes shall still be the same, the method of drawing lots shall be adopted) :

i)  Consultants (no more than 3 persons)  :  Principal and no more than 2 ex-chairpersons appointed by SPCC

ii) Chairman (1 person) :shall be acted by Parent Member who shall be responsible for convening and in charge of Members’ General Meeting and Executive Committee Meeting and to lead the Executive Committee, to implement and develop business of the Association.

iii) Vice-chairmen (2 persons): shall be acted by 1 Teacher Member and 1 Parent Member for assisting the Chairman to implement all business.  During the absence of the Chairman, the Parent Vice-chairman shall take the place of Chairman to act.

iv) Secretary (2 persons) :shall be acted by Parent Members to deal with all meeting minutes information and to prepare the relevant meeting agenda.

v) Treasurer (1 person) :shall be acted by 1 Parent Member to deal with all incoming and outgoing ledgers.  To submit balance sheet and account to Honorary Auditor for audit purpose and to submit the same to Members’ General Meeting for resolution.

vi) Committee Members :The number of remaining Parent Committee Member shall not exceed seven and Teacher Committee Members shall not exceed four.  They shall be responsible for planning and implementing all business and all kind of relevant liaison, educational, recreational, academic and experience-exchange activities etc.

g) After the election of a new Executive Committee, a joint meeting by the old and the new Executive Committee shall be convened within 14 days.  After the smooth transfer of all business to the new Executive Committee, the old Executive Committee shall be dismissed. 

h) The term of Parent Committee Member shall be one year and can be re-elected for subsequent term but the total term of the Chairman shall not exceed three consecutive years.

i) Executive Committee has the right to appoint any Member to be Committee Member in order to fill any vacancy occurred during any term.

j) Executive Committee has the right to invite any person to act as consultant of the relevant committee for any designated purpose.

k) For any one term of executive membership, no two executive members shall come from the same family.

l) All members of the Executive Committee shall be voluntary officers.


a) Members’ Annual General Meeting :

i) Annual General Meeting shall be conducted at least once a year and be convened by the Chairman.  The Chairman shall during the meeting report all general business.  After the Treasurer reports financial status, the financial report shall be resolved by the meeting.  Election shall be conducted during the meeting in order to elect the Executive Committee Members for the next term.

ii) The quorum of the meeting shall be 50 or 10% of the number of membership for that year, whichever the lesser.  All motion shall be resolved if supported by more than half of the members who attend.  Resolution shall not contravene the objective of the Association.

iii) If during the Members’ Annual General Meeting, the number of members to attend do not reach the quorum 30 minutes after commencement, the Annual General Meeting shall be adjourned.  The quorum for the adjourned meeting shall be the number of members who attend the meeting.

b) Executive Committee : At least 3 meetings shall be convened each year, the number of persons to attend shall at least be half the number of the Executive Committee.  All business to be resolved during the meeting shall have the consent of half of the persons who attended in order to be effective.

c) Members’ Extraordinary General Meeting : Members’ Extraordinary General Meeting can be convened by the Chairman, the Executive Committee or by the written request of 25% or more of members of the Association who jointly sign and list particular issues to be discussed with names of students and class stated and to be convened by the Chairman or the Executive Committee.  Within 14 days after the receipt of the written request, the Chairman or the Executive Committee shall convene the meeting, all issues to be discussed and resolved shall be restricted to those listed in the joint request.  The quorum and the method of notify members to attend meeting shall be the same as those of Annual General Meeting except that the notice to convene meeting and the agenda can be issued 3 days before the meeting.

d) In any of the aforesaid meetings, if the respective number of vote in support and dissent shall be the same, the Chairman shall have 1 additional decisive vote.


a) The Association can apply money for developing business and discharging expenditure.

b) The Treasurer shall report the financial status of the Association during Executive Committee Meeting and shall prepare balance sheet of the financial year.  The Treasurer shall, after the Honourary Auditor’s audit, submit the audited account to the Members’ General Meeting for resolution.

c) Executive Committee shall deposit all the money received by the Association into designated bank account.  All cheques to be issued shall be duly signed by two persons (i.e. anyone person amongst the Chairman, Parent Vice-chairman and the Treasurer plus any one person from the Principal and the Teacher Vice-chairman) in order to be validated.

d) All expenditures shall have prior approval of the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee shall, according to the actual circumstances, set out detailed principles that for expenditures below certain amount, the Executive Committee can confirm after such payment is made.

e) The Association can receive all financial donations which are made in accordance with the objective of the Association.

f) The Executive Committee shall have the discretion to allot certain amount of money from the Association to the school for provision of scholarship, prizes or other uses.

g) Should the Association incur any debt, the Executive Committee Members shall be liable.

h) The financial year of the Association shall be between 1st September and 31st August each year.


The Executive Committee shall invite one member or any independent person to act as the Honorary Auditor who shall audit the account of the Association at least once a year.


a) If it is desirous to dissolve the Association, approval of two third or above of the members who attend the General Annual Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting is required.  After dissolution, all the remaining asset shall be donated to the school.

b) If it is desirous to amend the constitution herein, approval of two third or above of the members who attend the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting is required.

The date of the meeting and the amendments sought shall be notified in writing by the Executive Committee to all members at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.


a) The administrative matters of the school are sole affairs of the school which shall not fall within the scope of matters to be discussed by the Association.

b) Should there be any dispute amongst parents, teachers or members, the same shall be disposed of by the school.

c) Should there be any conflict between this English version of the Constitution with the Chinese version of the Constitution, the latter shall prevail.