South Plainfield Elementary

Counselors Corner

Parent Panels:


Parent panels are brought to you by the four elementary school counselors in the South Plainfield School District. Counselors Ashnault, Fay, Wu and Zurawiecki discuss different topics that involve the elementary level student. These panels are held throughout the year and are predetermined based off of the need in each building.

Our Elementary Students helped us decorate the walkways of our schools for our "Chalk The Walk" social emotional learning event.

What is SEL?

SEL stands for social-emotional learning. According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, it’s the process by which we learn and apply social-emotional knowledge, attitudes, and skills for understanding and managing emotions, setting and achieving goals, establishing and maintaining relationships, and feeling and showing empathy for others.


The following sites provide resources that are available throughout the district.