Classroom Expectations

These expectations are an extension of the class syllabus provided to students through Google Classroom and parents on Back to School Night.

The Syllabus documents are in the individual grade pages.

  1. BE PREPARED. Come to class with suggested supplies, your Chromebook, the book we are reading at the time, any assignments due that day, and an open, ready mind. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

  2. READ. READ. READ. Always complete all reading assignments as these will be important to your success in the class. This is English class, so you will need to read and discuss your reading frequently. A great suggestion is to take notes while reading!

  3. COMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS. All assignments must be handed in on time. No homework will be accepted late. Writing assignments and Projects given at least 5 days in advance of the due date will not be accepted late resulting in a zero on the assignment. If a student is absent on a due date the assignment should be handed in the day they return.

  4. ONLY HONEST WORK. Cheating and plagiarism is not tolerated in my classroom as well as the entire school. If a student is found to have submitted work that is not his/hers they will be subject to receiving a zero on the assignment, a call home, and disciplinary action through the vice principal's office. See the Academic Integrity Policy on the school website for more information.

  5. FOLLOW OUR CLASS EXPECTATIONS AT ALL TIMES. Behavior and other expectations are posted on our Back to School Google Slide. Disciplinary action will ensue if these expectations are broken.

1st Offense: Warning

2nd Offense: Contact Home and Teacher Detention

3rd Offense: Referral to Administration

6. ABSENTEE POLICY. If you are absent it is your responsibility to check Google Classroom for assignments that you have missed. You should also send an email for further instructions or guidelines on what needs to be completed and how to do it. Academic Assistance is the time to receive instruction for missed lessons. Any class work that you have missed should be handed in within 2 days of your return to school. Be proactive in identifying what you’ve missed on your own so that you do not fall behind.