SMS Bullying Policy

Definition of Bullying

  • Bullying is any action that involves a DESIRE to hurt someone else.
  • The bully repeats the hurtful action, even AFTER they have been told to stop.
  • The harmful action can be physical, social, emotional, and/or cyber.
  • There is a power imbalance between the bully and victim.
  • The victim is not mean to the bully.
  • The bully feels enjoyment from his/her actions and the victim feels hurt.

What to do When You or Someone You Know is Being Bullied

Never react negatively towards the bully. Instead...

  1. Tell the bully to stop and make sure they know you mean it!
  2. Tell the nearest adult EVERY TIME this happens, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
  3. Avoid the bully as much as you can.

How to Report Bullying at Sparta Middle School

If the hurtful action only occurs once, please report it to the nearest adult ASAP. If the hurtful action doesn’t stop, PLEASE report it to the counselor! If it’s not reported, we won’t know it’s happening!

  • Make sure the nearest adults know about the incident BEFORE you tell Miss Lee.
  • Ask a teacher to let you talk to Miss Lee during class!
  • Drop a note in Miss Lee's mailbox, next to her office door.
  • Complete a bullying report below! You can also find the bullying report on Miss Lee’s Google Classroom or follow this link!
  • Have your parent email Miss Lee at or call her at 417-634-5518 ext. 107.

When a Bullying Report has been Submitted

  1. The bullying investigation will begin within two school days of receiving the bullying report. The principal and counselor will investigate the situation by individually interviewing staff members, bullies, victims, and witnesses.
  2. The investigation will be completed within ten school days of the date the report of bullying was received unless good cause exists to extend the investigation.
  3. Upon completion of the investigation, the principal and counselor will decide whether bullying or harassment occurred and, if so, whether additional discipline is warranted in accordance with the district's student discipline code. The counselor will generate a written report of the investigation and findings and send a copy of the completed report to the district's anti-bullying coordinator.
  4. The principal and counselor will document the report in the files of the victim and the alleged or actual perpetrator of bullying. All reports will be kept confidential in accordance with state and federal law.
  5. The principal and counselor will work with victims and their families to access resources and services to help them deal with any negative effects that resulted from the incident.

When the Bullying Takes Place off Campus

  • The principal and counselor will take appropriate actions to assist student victims.
  • Such actions may include, but are not limited to, contacting the parents/guardians of the victim and the alleged perpetrators, communicating that this behavior is not allowed on district grounds or at district activities, notifying the appropriate district staff to assist the victim, and taking additional action when appropriate, such as notifying law enforcement or social media companies of inappropriate online activity.


  • Cyberbullying is a form of bullying committed by sending a form of communication including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound or image by means of an electronic device including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone or other wireless communication device, computer or pager.
  • The district has jurisdiction over cyberbullying that uses the district's technology resources or that originates on district property, at a district activity or on district transportation.
  • Even when cyberbullying does not involve district property, activities or technology resources, the district will impose consequences and discipline for those who engage in cyberbullying if there is a sufficient nexus to the educational environment, the behavior materially and substantially disrupts the educational environment, the communication involves a threat as defined by law, or the district is otherwise allowed by law to address the behavior.

Bullying Consequences

  • Detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion, removal from participation in activities, exclusion from honors and awards, and other consequences deemed appropriate by the principal or superintendent.
  • The district will also contact law enforcement when required by law or notify social media companies of inappropriate online activity when appropriate.

For More Information About Bullying